冯峥,毕业于山西大学,获得法学学位,2006 年~2009年,任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2010年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问,山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾 。擅长办理劳动争议、工伤赔偿、人身伤害、交通事故、婚姻家庭、涉农刑事案件等法律事务。
Feng Zheng graduated from Shanxi University. From 2006 to 2009, she was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm. She has been a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation since 2010. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. Feng Zheng specializes in handling labor disputes, work-related injury compensation, traffic accident compensations, farmers’ criminal cases, and family cases.