刘喜全,1961.6.22出生,中共党员,民商法研究生,1983年自愿到青海工作, 1986年取得律师资格,并从事兼职律师工作。1988年调入青海河湟律师事务所任专职律师,1993担任律师事务所主任,2007年兼任青海省农民工法律援助工作站主任。现为青海律师协会常务理事,律师维权、法律援助与公益法律事务专门委员会委员,西宁市仲裁委员会首席仲裁员、平安县政协委员、平安县工商联理事。1998年刘喜全律师荣获青海省首届“十佳律师”称号;多次被青海省司法厅评为“青海省优秀律师”、“学习标兵”;被海东地区和平安县司法局评为“先进个人”等荣誉称号。
Liu Xiquan, born on June 22, 1961, has a master’s degree in civil and commercial law. He volunteered to work in Qinghai in 1983 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 1986, beginning full-time legal practice. He joined Qinghai Hehuang Law Firm as a full-time lawyer in 1988 and became the director of the firm in 1993. In 2007, he became the director of the Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is currently a councilman of the Qinghai Lawyers Association, a member on the Legal Aid and Public Interest Committee, the chief arbitrator of Xining Arbitration Commission, a member of the Pingan County People’s Political Consultative Committee, and a councilman of Pingan County Business Association. In 1998, Liu Xiquan was awarded the Qinghai “Ten Best Lawyers” title. He has many other honors such as “Qinghai Outstanding Lawyers,” “Dux,” and he was named “Advanced Individual” by Haidong District and Pingan County Department of Justice.