王西平律师, 1970年9月生,毕业于南开大学,法律硕士, 2002年4月起从事律师工作,现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师、天津市律师协会民商事专业委员会、劳动法专业委员会、刑事辩护专业委员会委员。自执业以来,真诚待人,以热情的服务态度和扎实的法律知识赢得了当事人的信任和肯定,最大限度的维护委托人的合法权益。曾多次参办天津市律师协会、司法局和事务所组织的公益性法律服务活动,并定期在天津市政府信访中心为上访人员进行法律咨询,取得了很好的社会效益。
WangXiPing lawyer, born in September 1970, graduated from Nankai University, Master of Laws. In April 2002 he began working as a lawyer, and now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He is a member of the Tianjin Bar Association Civil and Commercial Professional Committee, the Labor Law Professional Committee, and the Criminal Defense Specialized Committee. Since starting practice, he genuinely treats people well, with an enthusiastic attitude and strong legal knowledge wins the confidence and trust of his clients, maintaining to the highest degree the legal rights and interests of his clients. He has participated many times in the Tianjin Bar Association, and activities organized by the Justice Bureau and Public Interest Office. At regular intervals he has even gone to the Tianjin Letters and Visits Office to consult with the petitioners, achieving good social benefits.