胡少远, 1984年12月18日出生,本科,2009年7月份毕业于北方民族大学法学院。2010年开始从事律师工作。工作以来,专职为进城务工的“农民工”及城镇弱势群体提供法律援助,代理多起民事及刑事案件,通过办理拖欠农民工工资、工伤、劳动纠纷、人身损害赔偿案件,积累了丰富的经验和办案技巧。
Hu Shaoyuan graduated from the Law School of Northern University of Nationalities in July 2009 and started legal practice in 2010. He provides legal aid for migrant workers and disadvantaged groups in the urban areas. He has handled many civil and criminal cases and gained rich experience and skills through cases involving migrant workers payment, work-related injuries, labor disputes, and torts.