陈彩静律师,1984年8月12日出生,毕业于云南师范大学法学学士。2010年3月加入天津益清法律援助工作站,从事专职法律援助工作。 陈彩静律师自执业以来兢兢业业,不辞劳苦,细心为每一位咨询人员答疑解惑,在承办的诸多案件中,同样不乏重大疑难之例。在为当事人解决困难、挽回损失的同时,也在不断的丰富自己的知识与经验。
Chen Caijing, born on August 12, 1984, graduated from the Yunnan Normal University with a Bachelor of Law. In March 2010 she joined the workstation of Tianjin Yiqing Legal Aid Workstation and is currently engaged in full-time legal aid work. Chen Caijing conscientiously, painstakingly, and carefully answers questions during every consultation. She has handled many difficult cases. While helping clients solve problems and recoup their losses, she also constantly works to improve her own knowledge and experience.