陶顾文 Tao Guwen


陶顾文 Tao Guwen


  陶顾文,1984年1月生,中国政法大学在职博士生。2006年本科毕业后,在广东盛唐律师事务所参加工作,2008年取得律师执业证书。 2010年正式成为深圳市盛唐农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,为外来务工人员、妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人等广大弱势群体提供法律援助服务。2011年度,受理法律援助申请近三百人次。本律师及本工作站致力于保护弱势群体利益、维护社会公正、化解矛盾、引导理性维权。

  Tao Guwen, born in January 1984, Doctoral Candidate at China University of Political Science and Law. In 2006, after his undergraduate graduation, he joined Tang Law Firm in Guangdong, and in 2008 acquired a lawyer’s practice certificate. In 2010, he officially joined Chengtang Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station in Shenzhen as a full-time lawyer, providing legal services for migrant workers, women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and many vulnerable groups. In 2011, he accepted nearly three hundred legal aid cases. Mr. Tao has devoted himself to protecting the interests of vulnerable groups, safeguarding social justice, resolving conflicts, and guiding the development of rights.


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