魏鑫, 1983年6月13日出生,毕业于南京中医药大学。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。2010年4月开始从事专职公益律师工作。工作期间,接待各类咨询百余次,成功办结法律援助案件100多件,为受援人挽回上百万元的经济损失。同时与中心律师一起下社区开展普法活动,深受群众的好评。
Wei Xin, born on June 13, 1983, graduated from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. In April 2010, Mr. Wei started working as a full-time public welfare lawyer. He has performed all kinds of consultations, successfully handled more than 100 legal aid cases, and recovered over 1,000,000 RMB in economic losses for clients. At the same time, he has undertaken many efforts to raise legal rights awareness, receiving high praise from the people.