吴怀选, 1981年4月生,2004年毕业于河南财经学院法学院法学专业,获法学学士学位。2009年5月到河南省律师协会农民工法律援助工作站从事专职公益律师工作。吴律师自2009年5月专职从事农民工法律援助工作以来,为500余名农民工提供了免费的法律咨询服务,办理农民工法律援助案件110余件,其中通过调解结案65件,通过仲裁和诉讼结案35件。为120余名农民工提供了免费代理服务,为农民工切实讨回工资、经济补偿金、工伤、人身损害等赔偿款约100万余元,赢得了广大农民工的赞誉和社会各界的好评。2011年其撰写的《如何理解经济补偿金中的月工资》获河南省律师协会劳动与社会保障委员会年度征文优秀奖。
Wu Huaiyuan graduated from Henan University of Economics and Law in 2004. He joined Henan Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full time public interest lawyer in May 2009. Since then he has provided free legal consultation services for more than 500 migrant workers, handled 110 migrant workers’ legal aid cases, of which 65 were solved by mediation and 35 were solved by arbitration or litigation. He represented 120 migrant workers for free and helped them collect more than 1,000,000 RMB unpaid wages, compensations, and damages for personal injury caused during work. He received praise from migrant workers and the public. His 2011 publication “How to Understand the Definition of Monthly Salary in Economic Compensation” was awarded that year’s Outstanding Article Prize by Henan Lawyers Association and the Social Security Committee.