张周斌律师, 1982年10月生,毕业于西北政法大学,2006年从事律师工作,现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师。 张律师思维敏捷、诚实守信、法学功底深厚,恪守律师执业道德和律师执业纪律,以灵活、务实的办案风格赢得当事人的信赖。执业之余在《人民法院报》、《今晚报》、《天津日报》发表多篇文章。同时经过选拔2008年天津市检察官与律师论辩赛,取得团体第三名的优异成绩。
Zhang Zhoubin, born on October 1982, graduated from Northwestern University of Political Science and Law. In 2006 he began working as a lawyer, and now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He is quick-thinking, honest and trustworthy, with a deep understanding of the law, and strictly observes lawyers’ professional ethics and discipline, and by his pragmatic way of handling cases wings the trust of his clients. In the course of his practice he has published multiple articles in the “People’s Court Daily,” the “Today Evening News,” the “Tianjin Daily.” Also, after being selected for the 2008 in Tianjin Prosecutors and Lawyers Debate, Mr. Zhang obtain third place distinguished recognition.