戴新, 1988.09.18出生。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。2010年通过司法考试,12月份开始在江苏维世德律师事务所实习,参与“中央专项公益彩票基金法律援助活动”以及江苏未保委的工作至今。参加工作后与其他执业律师合办案件20余件;参与法律宣传、法律知识讲座3次;接待咨询120次;参与组织律师协会主办会议、活动3次;参与法律知识培训3次;参与撰写专业性论文2篇。
Dai Xin, born September 18, 1988. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. After passing the bar exam, in December 2010 Mr. Xin began an internship at the Jiangsu Center, participating in the “China Central Public Interest Welfare Lottery“ project. He continues to work in children’s rights protection today. Working jointly with other practicing lawyers, he has handled more than 20 cases. He has held consultations 120 times. He has participated in promoting legal awareness and given 3 lectures on legal knowledge. He has participated in Bar Association conferences 3 times. He has participated three times in legal knowledge training, and has authored two professional papers.