曹辉, 1969年1月生,北京理工大学工学学士,南开大学法律硕士(在读),电子技术工程师、现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师。曾在解放军总装备部某部服役10余年,2003年中校副团转业。曹辉律师具有丰富的社会经验和多行业从业经历,办理了大量刑事、民事、商事、劳动案件。现为“全国职业院校技能大赛高职组”法律顾问。2011年被天津市河北区司法局法律援助中心评为法律援助先进个人。
Cao Hui, born in January 1969, Bachelor’s from Beijing Institute of Technology, and is currently obtaining his LLM at Nankai University, an electronic technical engineer, now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He has served for more than 10 years in the PLA General Armament Department, and in 2003 was Deputy Lieutenant Colonel of the Demobilized group. Mr. Cao Hui has rich experience in society and many industries, and has dealt with a large amount of criminal, civil, commercial, and labor case. Now he is legal adviser for the National Vocational Students Skills Competition. In 2011 by he was deemed by the Tianjin Hebei District Judicial Bureau Legal Aid Center as a first-rate legal aid lawyer.
Phone number: 13682109339、13389958887