李东 Li Dong


李东 Li Dong


  2010年 6月—至今 山东法杰律师事务所农民工维权法律工作站公益律师,专门从事农民工、老、弱、残及妇女儿童等弱势群体的维权工作。李东律师具有较好的心理承受能力、学习能力、执行力;工作踏实认真、适应能力强;严谨敬业,工作主动细心;沟通协调能力强,文字及语言表达能力良好;有很强的资料搜集归纳整理分析能力;有较强的逻辑思维能力与文字功底。

  Li Dong has been a public interest lawyer at Shandong Fa Jie Law Firm Workstation for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Legal Rights since June 2010. He focuses on protecting the legal rights of disadvantaged groups such as migrant workers, the elderly, the disabled, women, and children. Li Dong has great learning capacity, implementation capacity, and adaptive ability. He is hard-working, precise, and proactive. He also has superior communication, writing, and speaking skills, and is good at researching and analyzing legal materials.


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