李晓霞, 1964.3出生,毕业于西北政法大学。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。在近三十年的律师生涯中,先后承办了近千余案件的辩护和民事、经济及非诉案件的代理,从2006年开始从事专职公益律师,并推动、倡议成立了江苏省律师协会未成年人保护业务委员会。先后办理多起未成年人维权案件、解答了千余起法律咨询,通过开展律师“四进”(进社区、进监舍、进农村、进校园)活动,先后组织、参与、开展了200余起普法宣传及培训活动。在立法方面,就现行的法律制度的修改起草提出了有见地的专业意见,受到了立法部门的关注和采纳。2010年4月组织筹建了江苏维世德公益法律援助服务部,从而在为弱势群体服务上迈向了专业化、专门化、系统化的服务领域。
Li Xiaoxia, born March 1964, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. In nearly 30 years of work as a lawyer, Ms. Li has handled nearly one thousand cases of defense and acted as a representative in civil, economic, and non-lawsuit cases. Since 2006, as full-time public interest lawyer, Ms. Li has spearheaded the establishment of the Jiangsu Province Bar Association’s Protection of Minors Committee. She has handled many cases involving juvenile rights, holding over 1000 legal consultations, and through the “Four Entries” lawyer development program (entry into the community, into prison, into the countryside, and into campus), successively organized, participated, and carried out more than 200 publicity and training activities for promoting legal awareness. On the legislative front, during the drafting process of amendments to the current legal system, she raised reasonable and specialized suggestions, which received the legislative department’s attention and adoption. In April 2010, Ms. Li organized and prepared the Jiangsu Weishide Public Interest Legal Aid department, and thereby professionalized, specialized, and systematized the field of legal services for disadvantaged groups.