李群, 1982年1月18日生,本科,毕业于宁夏大学。2007年9月进入宁夏银川市农民工维权工作站,2010年取得律师执业资格证,现为工作站负责人。自2008年10月至2011年6月,李群律师共接待来访咨询一千余件,免费代书一百余件,共办理涉及农民工及其他经济困难人员的各类援助案件83件,涉及人数85人,通过诉讼、仲裁调解等方式为农民工挽回经济损失1429908.33元,最大限度地维护了受援人的合法权益,她的工作得到了当事人的一致肯定。除办理案件外,为了给农民工宣传法律知识,李群律师组织工作站的其他律师一起深入建筑工地、劳务市场、街道社区进行义务法律宣传和咨询二十余次,散发宣传材料数万份;为了提高农民工的法律意识,她主动与银川市流动人口就业服务中心联系,联合举办多场农民工普法培训讲座,通过普法培训讲座,大大提高了农民工的法律维权意识,也深受农民工的欢迎。
Li Qun graduated from Ningxia University. She joined the Workstation in September 2007 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 2010. She is currently in charge of the Workstation. Between October 2008 and June 2011, Li Qun received more than 1000 consultation visits, provided free document drafting for more than 100 clients, and handled 83 legal aid cases involving 85 migrant workers and other people with economic difficulties. She helped migrant workers to collect RMB 1429908.33 damages through litigation, arbitration, and mediation. She protected clients’ legal rights, and her work was highly praised. In addition to dealing with cases, Li Qun also organized other lawyers at the Workstation to go to construction sites, labor markets, and street communities to provide free legal education and consultation to migrant workers. They sent out more than ten thousand copies of legal education materials. In order to promote migrant workers’ awareness of legal rights, she contacted Yinchuan Employment Service Center for Migrant Population and organized legal education lectures for migrant workers. These lectures increased migrant workers’ awareness of their rights and were well received by the migrant workers.