王巨澜, 1971年4月24日出生,毕业于中南财经政法大学。现任浙江劳动律师事务所法律援助工作站律师。入职以来,王律师投入了极大的热情和精力,参与了法律援助案件的接待、诉讼策略制定、立案、调解和庭审工作,得到了当事人的好评。
Wang Julan was born on April 24, 1971. He graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and is a current lawyer at Zhejiang Labor Law Firm Legal Aid Workstation. Since he’s joined the station, he has put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into the reception of legal aid cases, litigation strategy, filing, mediation and trial work. He has received positive evaluations from parties involved.