王秀娟,毕业于西北政法大学,获法学学士。2006年~2010年任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2011年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产业协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾,擅长办理劳动争议、婚姻家庭、人身损害、劳动行政复议等方面的法律事务。
Wang Xiujuan graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law. She was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm from 2006 to 2010 and became a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in 2011. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. She specializes in handling labor disputes, family cases, personal injury cases, and labor administrative reconsideration.