石珍珍, 1985.12.5出生,毕业于南京师范大学 法学院。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。工作期间,参与国家级12338热线接线指南(城市版)编写工作;参与撰写专业性论文6篇;与其他执业律师合办案件10余件;参与女子监狱、女子劳教所组织的帮教活动2次;接待咨询100余次;参与组织律师协会主办会议、活动2次;参与推动未保委组建工作1次;参与省消协和省律协联合组建的律师团成立活动2次;参与法律知识培训2次。
Shi Zhenzhen, born December 5, 1985, graduate of Nanjing Normal University Law School. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. Ms. Shi wrote and edited the guidebook for the National Hotline 12338 (city version). She has also authored six professional papers and worked jointly with other practicing lawyers on more than ten cases. Ms. Shi has also twice taken part in education programs in womens’ prison and the women’s reeducation through labor office. She has held consultations 100 times. She has participated in Bar Association conferences two times. She has participated in promoting children’s rights and promotion work once. She twice participated in the lawyers’ group conference jointly established by the Provincial Consumer Association and the Provincial Bar Association. She has twice participated in legal knowledge training.