赵兵, 1973年9月20日出生,毕业于西北政法学院。2004年开始从事律师工作。2007年起任陕西农民工维权工作总站专职律师。知识面广,基础扎实,法学基本理论掌握较好,理论联系实际能力较强;民事、刑事、行政案件办案经验丰富,善于总结归纳。
Zhao Bing, born September 20, 1973, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. He began working as a lawyer in 2004. In 2007 he was appointed a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. His colleagues remark on his extensive legal knowledge and a great grasp of legal theory, and his ability to link that legal theory with legal practice. He is experienced in handling civil, criminal and administrative cases.