麻英律师自1998年起开始从事律师工作。2007年5月加入甘肃省农民工法律维权工作站做专职律师,专职从事农民工维权工作。从工作站成立至今共办理案件179件,开展普法培训2场,撰写实证研究报告3篇,开展大型普法 20多次,为农民工发放宣传材料1万多份,在报纸上发表典型案例6篇,接受电视台的采访为农民工做普法宣传18期。2010年参与《甘肃省法律援助条例》的立法,2010年被甘肃省人民政府评为“劳务经济工作先进个人”。
Ma Ying Ma Ying has worked as a lawyer since 1998. In May 2007, she joined the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer, engaged in the full-time protection of migrant workers’ rights. While at the Workstation, she has handled 179 cases, held two legal training sessions, wrote three reports on empirical studies, carried out large-scale legal rights education activities twenty times, distributed more than 10,000 copies of educational materials for migrant workers, published six cases in newspapers, and given 18 television interviews to disseminate legal knowledge and advocate for migrant workers’ rights. She was also involved in the making of the Gansu Province Legal Aid Ordinance in 2010 and was named “Advanced Individual in Labor Economy Work” by the People’s Government of Gansu Province.