齐少玲律师,女,1977年10月生,毕业于河北大学,法学学士学位, 2004年起从事律师工作,2010年4月至今以专职律师兼办事员身份参与中央专项彩票公益金法律援助项目,办理了大量劳动仲裁、非诉讼及诉讼案件,为当事人挽回了较大的经济损失,切实维护了当事人的合法权益。
Ji Shaoling lawyer, female, born in October 1977, graduated from Hebei University, Bachelor in Law. In 2004 she began working as a lawyer, and since April 2010 has been a full-time lawyer and staff member working on the Special Central Welfare Lottery Legal Aid Projects. She has handled a large number of labor arbitration cases, non-litigation and litigation cases, recovering large amounts of economic losses for the client and protecting the legal rights of the parties.