李永飞律师, 1978年12月出生,汉族,毕业于中国政法大学,本科学历,山东省农民工维权工作站公益律师,是济南市唯一的一名残疾人执业律师,精通手语,能熟练与聋哑人沟通,曾在残联系统从事残疾人维权工作10余年,现为山东省农民工维权工作站残疾人法律援助团队负责人。李永飞律师热心公益事业,被山东省高级人民法院、山东省司法厅、山东省公安厅、山东省残疾人联合会评为“山东省残疾人维权工作先进个人”。
Li Yongfei graduated from China University of Political Science and Law. He is a public interest lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is the only attorney with disabilities in Jinan. He is proficient in sign language and can communicate with deaf people. He worked at the Disabled Persons Association for 10 years and promoted the rights of the disabled. He is currently in charge of the legal aid team for disabled persons at the Workstation. Li Yongfei is enthusiastic about public interest. He has been named “Shandong Outstanding Individual in Promoting Disabled Persons’ Rights” by Shandong High People’s Court, Shandong Department of Justice, Shandong Public Security Bureau, and Shandong Disabled Persons Association.