杨帆,1971年9月16日出生,汉族,河南省柘城县人。河南大学法律系毕业,大学本科学历。1995年8月在河南开普集团有限公司做法务工作。2007年1月在河南晟大律师事务所做律师。2008年2月份进入河南省律师协会农民工法律援助工作站做专职公益律师。自参加工作以来至2011年8月份,共解答咨询 800余次,涉及4000余人,涉及金额5000余万元;办结案件232件,涉案金额500余万元,为民工发放现金300余万元。
Yang Fan is from Zhecheng County of Henan Province and is of Han ethnicity. He graduated from Henan University Law School and worked at the legal department of the Henan Kaipu Group since August 1995. He joined Henan Sheng Da Law Firm as a lawyer in January 2007 and became a full time public interest lawyer at Henan Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in February 2008. From then to August 2011, Yang Fan received more than 800 consultation visits concerning more than 4000 people and 50,000,000 RMB and handled 232 cases involving 5,000,000 RMB and collected more than 3,000,000 RMB for migrant workers.