分类归档 各地公益律师 PI Lawyers


王秀娟 Wang Xiujuan



  王秀娟,毕业于西北政法大学,获法学学士。2006年~2010年任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2011年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产业协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾,擅长办理劳动争议、婚姻家庭、人身损害、劳动行政复议等方面的法律事务。

  Wang Xiujuan graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law. She was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm from 2006 to 2010 and became a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in 2011. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. She specializes in handling labor disputes, family cases, personal injury cases, and labor administrative reconsideration.


任建功 Ren Jiangong



  任建功,毕业于山西大学,2008年起加入山西省农民工法律援助工作站,从事专职公益律师工作。 同时担任山西省总工会法律顾问、山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾。擅长办理劳动争议、工伤赔偿、人身损害赔偿、交通事故、医疗纠纷,涉农刑事案件及婚姻家庭案件。

  Ren Jiangong graduated from Shanxi University. He joined Shanxi Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full time public interest lawyer in 2008. He is also a counselor of Shanxi Labor Union, counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. Ren Jiangong specializes in handling labor disputes, work-related injury compensations, traffic accident compensations, medical malpractice disputes, farmers’ criminal cases, and family cases.


李坤梅 Li Kunmei




  Li Kunmei graduated from the Guizhou Institute of Education. She has been working as a lawyer since 2004, and she officially joined the Guizhou Lawyers Association Migrant Workers Legal Aid Workstation in 2011, engaged in full-time public interest work. Li Kunmei is passionate, patient, and serious when it comes to her work and for this she has received praise.


周春蕾 Zhou Chunlei



  Zhou Chunlei, born on November 9, 1976, graduated from Nanjing University with a Bachelor of Law in 1997. From 1997 to 2008 she worked in human resources in Nanjing Commercial Building Co., Ltd. In June 2010 she began a full-time public interest lawyer of the Jiangsu Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. Diligent and cautious in handling cases and fulfilling her duties, she resolutely works to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups of migrant workers. She has received many praises and banners of thanks from parties she has represented.


王西平 Wang Xiping


  王西平律师, 1970年9月生,毕业于南开大学,法律硕士, 2002年4月起从事律师工作,现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师、天津市律师协会民商事专业委员会、劳动法专业委员会、刑事辩护专业委员会委员。自执业以来,真诚待人,以热情的服务态度和扎实的法律知识赢得了当事人的信任和肯定,最大限度的维护委托人的合法权益。曾多次参办天津市律师协会、司法局和事务所组织的公益性法律服务活动,并定期在天津市政府信访中心为上访人员进行法律咨询,取得了很好的社会效益。

  WangXiPing lawyer, born in September 1970, graduated from Nankai University, Master of Laws. In April 2002 he began working as a lawyer, and now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He is a member of the Tianjin Bar Association Civil and Commercial Professional Committee, the Labor Law Professional Committee, and the Criminal Defense Specialized Committee. Since starting practice, he genuinely treats people well, with an enthusiastic attitude and strong legal knowledge wins the confidence and trust of his clients, maintaining to the highest degree the legal rights and interests of his clients. He has participated many times in the Tianjin Bar Association, and activities organized by the Justice Bureau and Public Interest Office. At regular intervals he has even gone to the Tianjin Letters and Visits Office to consult with the petitioners, achieving good social benefits.


强英军 Qiang Yingjun


  强英军,男,专职律师,任职于河北佳诚律师事务所、石家庄市农民工法律援助中心专家律师。强英军律师 熟悉各种法律,具有较高的法学理论水平、较强的实际工作能力和较丰富的办案经验,擅长办理各类诉讼和非诉讼法律事务。

  Qiang Yingjun is a full-time lawyer at Hebei Jiacheng Law Firm and Shijianzhuang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Center. He is familiar with various areas of law, has advanced legal knowledge, strong practice ability, and rich experience with cases. He is good at handling many kinds of litigation or non-litigation cases.


寇伟刚 Kou Weigang





  Kou Weigang, born on April 4, 1974, graduated from the China Radio and Television University with a bachelor’s degree. He has worked as a lawyer since 2009. Since 2010 he has worked at Xuchang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time legal aid lawyer.

  In the past two years, he has given legal advice in more than 370 instances, including telephone consultation, interviews and other help by way of legal advice and guidance to migrant workers according to activist principles. He has completed more than 80 legal aid cases and helped more than 150 migrant workers protect their legal rights. The amount of money involved was RMB 357 million.


郑永标 Zheng Yongbiao




  Cheng Yongbiao was born in November of 1979 and graduated from Northeast Forestry University. He began practicing legal aid work as a public interest lawyer in September 2006. His average daily work includes a daily intake of 1-2 legal advice cases. These cases have involved more than 1,000 people. Out of the various types of legal aid cases that were handled, more than 200 cases involved children, women’s rights cases, and cases involving people with disabilities. Hundreds of aid recipients have recovered economic losses amounting to over 500 million.


王婷 Wang Ting



  王婷, 1981年10月出生,毕业于天津城市建设学院,管理学学士。现任天津益清法律援助工作站专职律师。2007年11月-2008年2月:于天津市新技术产业园区劳动仲裁委员会工作,为首席仲裁员担任书记员,协助其审理了大量劳动争议案件。2009年3月进入益清律师事务所。2010年5月至今:任天津益清法律援助工作站专职律师。


  Profile of Wang Ting

  Wang Ting, born in October 1981, graduated from the Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction with a Bachelor of Management. She now works at the Tianjin Yiqing Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer. From November 2007 through February 2008 she worked at the Labor Arbitration Committee in Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, and as a presiding arbitrator she assisted in a large number of cases involving labor disputes. She joined the Tianjin Yiqing Law Firm in March 2009, and since May 2010 has been a full-time lawyer at the Workstation.

  Since starting work at the Workstation, Wang Ting’s diligence, work attitude and handling of cases have earned her the gratitude and praise of many parties. While handling cases, she has also worked with television, radio, newspapers and other media, to raise awareness of legal rights and issues within the community. She was named “Yiqing Law Firm 2010 Advanced Individual,” and the Tianjin Department of Justice and the Tianjin Disabled Persons’ Federation jointly awarded her the title of “2011 Tianjin Advanced Individual for Protecting Disabled Persons’ Rights.”


齐少玲 Qi Shaoling



  齐少玲律师,女,1977年10月生,毕业于河北大学,法学学士学位, 2004年起从事律师工作,2010年4月至今以专职律师兼办事员身份参与中央专项彩票公益金法律援助项目,办理了大量劳动仲裁、非诉讼及诉讼案件,为当事人挽回了较大的经济损失,切实维护了当事人的合法权益。

  Ji Shaoling lawyer, female, born in October 1977, graduated from Hebei University, Bachelor in Law. In 2004 she began working as a lawyer, and since April 2010 has been a full-time lawyer and staff member working on the Special Central Welfare Lottery Legal Aid Projects. She has handled a large number of labor arbitration cases, non-litigation and litigation cases, recovering large amounts of economic losses for the client and protecting the legal rights of the parties.


李东 Li Dong


  2010年 6月—至今 山东法杰律师事务所农民工维权法律工作站公益律师,专门从事农民工、老、弱、残及妇女儿童等弱势群体的维权工作。李东律师具有较好的心理承受能力、学习能力、执行力;工作踏实认真、适应能力强;严谨敬业,工作主动细心;沟通协调能力强,文字及语言表达能力良好;有很强的资料搜集归纳整理分析能力;有较强的逻辑思维能力与文字功底。

  Li Dong has been a public interest lawyer at Shandong Fa Jie Law Firm Workstation for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Legal Rights since June 2010. He focuses on protecting the legal rights of disadvantaged groups such as migrant workers, the elderly, the disabled, women, and children. Li Dong has great learning capacity, implementation capacity, and adaptive ability. He is hard-working, precise, and proactive. He also has superior communication, writing, and speaking skills, and is good at researching and analyzing legal materials.


赵兵 Zao Bing


  赵兵, 1973年9月20日出生,毕业于西北政法学院。2004年开始从事律师工作。2007年起任陕西农民工维权工作总站专职律师。知识面广,基础扎实,法学基本理论掌握较好,理论联系实际能力较强;民事、刑事、行政案件办案经验丰富,善于总结归纳。

  Zhao Bing, born September 20, 1973, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. He began working as a lawyer in 2004. In 2007 he was appointed a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. His colleagues remark on his extensive legal knowledge and a great grasp of legal theory, and his ability to link that legal theory with legal practice. He is experienced in handling civil, criminal and administrative cases.


王丽娜 Wang Lina




  Wang Lina, born on July 27, 1981, graduated from the Tianjin University of Commerce with a Bachelor of Law in 2003. In October 2009 she became a full-time public interest lawyer working at the Jiangsu Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. For two years, she has served hundreds of migrant workers to safeguard their legal rights and interests. In 2010, she represented a group of 118 migrant workers in a labor dispute case, and succeeded in securing RMB37 million in labor compensation. She has been interviewed by "Modern Express," "Jiangsu Legal News," Jiangsu Worker News” and has also been interviewed several times by Jiangsu TV and Nanjing TV. She has received many praises and banners of thanks from parties she has represented.


其布热 Qibure




  Qi Bure, lawyer, born May 10, 1968, Master’s Degree. In 2004 she began to practice at the Aid Lawyers Office, and in 2008 joined the Dongri Lawyers Office. In 2011 she joined the Inner Mongolia Public Interest Legal Aid Station, working full-time as a public interest lawyer.


江黎黎 Jiang Lili

  江黎黎 女 1987年2月生 籍贯湖南 湖南大学法学研究生,现为工作站行政人员。

  Ms. Jiang Lili, born in February 1987, a native of Hunan and graduate student at Hunan University Law School, is now an administrative staff member at the station.