分类归档 各地公益律师 PI Lawyers


张华伟 Zhang Huawei




  Zhang Huawei graduated from the Law School of Northern University of Nationalities in July 2008. He passed the National Judicial Exam in September 2008 and obtained the lawyer’s license in July 2010. From September 2009 to August 2011, he participated in the CCCLE public interest law volunteer project and worked at the Ningxia Legal Aid Center. He joined the Workstation in September 2011 and became a full-time lawyer providing legal aid to migrant workers and disadvantaged groups. He has received 26 consultation visits and handled 6 cases, of which 2 have been completed.


王恩慧 Wang Enhui



  Mr. Wang Enhui, born Feb. 2, 1987. After he graduated from Sichuan University in 2009, he worked at the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station, specializing in services for workers.


栾剑 Luan Jian



  Luan Jian is a lawyer who graduated from Guizhou University’s Law School and worked at the Shenzhen Branch of the China Construction Engineering Bureau. He began working as a lawyer in 2009. In April 2011, he formally joined the Guizhou Lawyers Association Migrant Workers Legal Aid Workstation, engaging in full-time public interest lawyering. Luan Jian takes his job seriously and is often praised by clients.


冯峥 Feng Zheng


  冯峥,毕业于山西大学,获得法学学位,2006 年~2009年,任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2010年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问,山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾 。擅长办理劳动争议、工伤赔偿、人身伤害、交通事故、婚姻家庭、涉农刑事案件等法律事务。

  Feng Zheng graduated from Shanxi University. From 2006 to 2009, she was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm. She has been a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation since 2010. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. Feng Zheng specializes in handling labor disputes, work-related injury compensation, traffic accident compensations, farmers’ criminal cases, and family cases.


于鹏 Yu Peng




  Yu Peng graduated from Shandong University of Economics with a bachelor’s degree in law. He is a public interest lawyer at Shandong Fa Jie Law Firm Workstation for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Legal Rights. He provides legal aid for disadvantaged workers, migrant workers, and housekeepers.


陶顾文 Tao Guwen


  陶顾文,1984年1月生,中国政法大学在职博士生。2006年本科毕业后,在广东盛唐律师事务所参加工作,2008年取得律师执业证书。 2010年正式成为深圳市盛唐农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,为外来务工人员、妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人等广大弱势群体提供法律援助服务。2011年度,受理法律援助申请近三百人次。本律师及本工作站致力于保护弱势群体利益、维护社会公正、化解矛盾、引导理性维权。

  Tao Guwen, born in January 1984, Doctoral Candidate at China University of Political Science and Law. In 2006, after his undergraduate graduation, he joined Tang Law Firm in Guangdong, and in 2008 acquired a lawyer’s practice certificate. In 2010, he officially joined Chengtang Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station in Shenzhen as a full-time lawyer, providing legal services for migrant workers, women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and many vulnerable groups. In 2011, he accepted nearly three hundred legal aid cases. Mr. Tao has devoted himself to protecting the interests of vulnerable groups, safeguarding social justice, resolving conflicts, and guiding the development of rights.


刘喜全 Liu Xiquan



  刘喜全,1961.6.22出生,中共党员,民商法研究生,1983年自愿到青海工作, 1986年取得律师资格,并从事兼职律师工作。1988年调入青海河湟律师事务所任专职律师,1993担任律师事务所主任,2007年兼任青海省农民工法律援助工作站主任。现为青海律师协会常务理事,律师维权、法律援助与公益法律事务专门委员会委员,西宁市仲裁委员会首席仲裁员、平安县政协委员、平安县工商联理事。1998年刘喜全律师荣获青海省首届“十佳律师”称号;多次被青海省司法厅评为“青海省优秀律师”、“学习标兵”;被海东地区和平安县司法局评为“先进个人”等荣誉称号。

  Liu Xiquan, born on June 22, 1961, has a master’s degree in civil and commercial law. He volunteered to work in Qinghai in 1983 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 1986, beginning full-time legal practice. He joined Qinghai Hehuang Law Firm as a full-time lawyer in 1988 and became the director of the firm in 1993. In 2007, he became the director of the Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is currently a councilman of the Qinghai Lawyers Association, a member on the Legal Aid and Public Interest Committee, the chief arbitrator of Xining Arbitration Commission, a member of the Pingan County People’s Political Consultative Committee, and a councilman of Pingan County Business Association. In 1998, Liu Xiquan was awarded the Qinghai “Ten Best Lawyers” title. He has many other honors such as “Qinghai Outstanding Lawyers,” “Dux,” and he was named “Advanced Individual” by Haidong District and Pingan County Department of Justice.


方华 Fang Hua




  Fang Hua, born on November 23, 1977, graduated from Ningbo University. She is a lawyer at Zhejiang Labor Law Firm Legal Aid Workstation. Since she became a legal aid station lawyer, she has handled a variety of legal aid cases that have totaled more than 100. She has received praise from clients, various thank you pennants and feelings of gratitude.


杨月弟 Yang Yuedi







  Born on August 12, 1984, graduated from Yunan Normal University, Bachelor of Law

  Work history: In March 2008, he began practicing at the Tianjin Jin Chen Law Firm.

  Summary of Work at the Workstation:

  From April 2010 to November 2011, he has assisted in the handling of 440 cases.


唐小花 Tang Xiaohua


  唐小花,女,生于1980年2月12日,大学本科, 曾从事三年媒体工作。2008年通过司法考试,2009年进入四川省农民工法律援助工作站工作,先后从事律师助理、行政人员、专职律师工作。

  Ms. Tang Xiaohua, born Feb 12, 1980, after graduating, she worked for three years in the media. In 2008 she passed the bar and in 2009 she joined the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station. She worked first as a paralegal, then as administrative staff, and now is a full-time lawyer.


刘畅 Liu Chang


  刘畅,1985年12月生,毕业于北方民族大学,获得法学学士学位。2011年8月进入山东省农民工维权工作站工作。 主要负责接听来电咨询、接待来访当事人,为其解答法律疑问。并协助李强律师办理了大量为农民工追索劳动报酬、工伤保险待遇的案件。

  Liu Chang graduated from Northern University for Nationalities. She joined the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in August 2011. She works on taking consultation phone calls and visitors and answering their questions. She also assisted Li Qiang in many migrant workers’ cases and collected unpaid wages and insurance payment for migrant workers.


戴新 Dai Xin



       戴新, 1988.09.18出生。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。2010年通过司法考试,12月份开始在江苏维世德律师事务所实习,参与“中央专项公益彩票基金法律援助活动”以及江苏未保委的工作至今。参加工作后与其他执业律师合办案件20余件;参与法律宣传、法律知识讲座3次;接待咨询120次;参与组织律师协会主办会议、活动3次;参与法律知识培训3次;参与撰写专业性论文2篇。

       Dai Xin, born September 18, 1988. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. After passing the bar exam, in December 2010 Mr. Xin began an internship at the Jiangsu Center, participating in the “China Central Public Interest Welfare Lottery“ project. He continues to work in children’s rights protection today. Working jointly with other practicing lawyers, he has handled more than 20 cases. He has held consultations 120 times. He has participated in promoting legal awareness and given 3 lectures on legal knowledge. He has participated in Bar Association conferences 3 times. He has participated three times in legal knowledge training, and has authored two professional papers.


杨帆 Yang Fan



  杨帆,1971年9月16日出生,汉族,河南省柘城县人。河南大学法律系毕业,大学本科学历。1995年8月在河南开普集团有限公司做法务工作。2007年1月在河南晟大律师事务所做律师。2008年2月份进入河南省律师协会农民工法律援助工作站做专职公益律师。自参加工作以来至2011年8月份,共解答咨询 800余次,涉及4000余人,涉及金额5000余万元;办结案件232件,涉案金额500余万元,为民工发放现金300余万元。

  Yang Fan is from Zhecheng County of Henan Province and is of Han ethnicity. He graduated from Henan University Law School and worked at the legal department of the Henan Kaipu Group since August 1995. He joined Henan Sheng Da Law Firm as a lawyer in January 2007 and became a full time public interest lawyer at Henan Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in February 2008. From then to August 2011, Yang Fan received more than 800 consultation visits concerning more than 4000 people and 50,000,000 RMB and handled 232 cases involving 5,000,000 RMB and collected more than 3,000,000 RMB for migrant workers.


孙文武 Sun Wenwu




  1993.7——1994.10 天津市带钢厂

  1994.10——1998.12 三德兴(天津)工业有限公司

  1998.12——今 金辰律师事务所



  Sun Wenwu Lawyer Profile

  Work History:

  July 1993 – October 1994: Tianjin Ribbon Steel Factory

  October 1994 – December 1998: San De Xing (Tianjin) Industry Co., Ltd.

  December 1998 – Current: Jin Chen Law Firm

  Summary of Work at the Workstation:

  From March 2010 to November 2011, he has handled 103 cases.


李育伟 Li Yuwei




  Li Yuwei, born on April 28, 1975, graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law with an associated degree in 1998. He began legal practice in 2002. In April 2007 he joined Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He fully devotes into the work and has handled many cases involving migrant workers’ rights and also actively organized activities to disseminate legal knowledge. His work has been highly praised. Because of his excellent work, he was named “Provincial Outstanding Lawyer” by Qinghai Lawyers Association in 2010.


杜伟 Du Wei




  Mr. Du Wei, graduated from Southwest Transportation University with a bachelor in law. Since September 2006, he has worked at the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station, working full-time on migrant worker legal aid cases. Serving as the Deputy Director of the office, he is responsible for daily work.


许常海 Xu Changhai



  Xu Haichang, born in June 1974, is of Mongolian ethnicity and has an associated degree. He is a full-time lawyer at Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He graduated from Qinghai College for Nationalities Law School in 1998, interned at Hehuang Law Firm since October 1998, and began legal practice in 2002. In May 2007, he joined Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time public interest lawyer, in charge of the day-to-day business at the Haidong Station. He has provided free legal services for disadvantaged groups, and donated to support poor children’s education. In December 2008, he was named “Provincial Outstanding Legal Aid Lawyer” by Qinghai Lawyers Association. In December 2009, he was named “Provincial Outstanding lawyers” by the Lawyers Association.


孙蓉 Sun Rong



  Sun Rong, born May 22, 1979, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. She began working as a lawyer in 2002. In 2006 she was appointed a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. She has a solid legal foundation and strong analytical ability. Her colleagues call her warm, sincere, responsible and proactive and note her strong organizational skills and team spirit.


李永飞 Li Yongfei


  李永飞律师, 1978年12月出生,汉族,毕业于中国政法大学,本科学历,山东省农民工维权工作站公益律师,是济南市唯一的一名残疾人执业律师,精通手语,能熟练与聋哑人沟通,曾在残联系统从事残疾人维权工作10余年,现为山东省农民工维权工作站残疾人法律援助团队负责人。李永飞律师热心公益事业,被山东省高级人民法院、山东省司法厅、山东省公安厅、山东省残疾人联合会评为“山东省残疾人维权工作先进个人”。

  Li Yongfei graduated from China University of Political Science and Law. He is a public interest lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is the only attorney with disabilities in Jinan. He is proficient in sign language and can communicate with deaf people. He worked at the Disabled Persons Association for 10 years and promoted the rights of the disabled. He is currently in charge of the legal aid team for disabled persons at the Workstation. Li Yongfei is enthusiastic about public interest. He has been named “Shandong Outstanding Individual in Promoting Disabled Persons’ Rights” by Shandong High People’s Court, Shandong Department of Justice, Shandong Public Security Bureau, and Shandong Disabled Persons Association.


陈嘉臻 Chen Jiazhen



  Chen Jiazhen, born in October 12, 1950, graduated from Wuhan Zhongnan University. He began practicing legal aid work as a public interest lawyer in 2010. His average daily work includes daily intake of 1-2 legal advice cases. These cases have involved more than 100 people.


夏宇 Xia Yu




  Xia Yu, born in December 1978, graduated from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law. He began working as a lawyer in 2004, and since August 2008 has been a full-time lawyer at the Workstation. From August 2008 to August 2011, he received 2,026 people and answered 1,132 legal questions of all kinds. He has accepted 160 cases of various types involving 285 people. He has completed 155 cases with damage awards totaling RMB 1,898,740, resulting in awards to his clients totaling RMB 1,144,163. Xia Yu’s high quality legal aid services and leadership have earned him the gratitude of his clients, and he has received 27 gift pennants and 2 plaques, and has been reported in the local newspapers.


孙琳 Sun Lin











  1994年4月-2004年9月辽宁北港律师事务所 副主任律师;

  2004年9月至今 辽宁鸿海律师事务所 主任律师;辽宁省律师协会维权工作委员会委员;辽宁省律师协会未成年人保护委员会委员;辽宁省律师协会女律师工作委员会委员;辽宁省第七届律师协会监事;人民政治协商会议大连市西岗区委员会委员;大连市维护妇女权益“优秀律师”;大连市律师协会理事;大连市律协“优秀会员”


  Sun Lin, female, born on August 12 in 1970 as the Han nationality is a member of Chinese communist party,the graduated student., director of Liaoning Honghai Law Firm.

  Work experience:

  From July 1988 to July 1991 Major in Liaoning University Legal Profession;

  From June 1997 to June 1999 MBA graduate course profession;

  In August, 1999, Beijing University Guanghua Management of the Industry and Commerce Management Profession

  From June 1989 to April 1994, Dalian Kennedy OuJinNa way street agency youth corps committee secretary;

  In 1994 years pass lawyer qualification;

  From April 1994 to September 2004 Liaoning Northport Law Firm,as deputy director of the lawyer;

  Since September 2004, director of liaoning foxconn law firm lawyer; Liaoning province lawyers association rights protection work committee member; Liaoning province lawyers association the protection of minors committee member; Lawyers association in liaoning province female lawyer working committee member; Liaoning province the 7 th lawyers association supervisors; People’s political consultative conference xigang district dalian city committee member; Dalian maintenance of women’s rights "outstanding lawyer"; Dalian lawyers association director; Dalian LvXie "outstanding members"

  2010 annual lawyer party member advanced individual method (dalian lawyers association committee of the communist party of China)


李晓霞 Li Xiaoxia



  李晓霞, 1964.3出生,毕业于西北政法大学。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。在近三十年的律师生涯中,先后承办了近千余案件的辩护和民事、经济及非诉案件的代理,从2006年开始从事专职公益律师,并推动、倡议成立了江苏省律师协会未成年人保护业务委员会。先后办理多起未成年人维权案件、解答了千余起法律咨询,通过开展律师“四进”(进社区、进监舍、进农村、进校园)活动,先后组织、参与、开展了200余起普法宣传及培训活动。在立法方面,就现行的法律制度的修改起草提出了有见地的专业意见,受到了立法部门的关注和采纳。2010年4月组织筹建了江苏维世德公益法律援助服务部,从而在为弱势群体服务上迈向了专业化、专门化、系统化的服务领域。

  Li Xiaoxia, born March 1964, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. In nearly 30 years of work as a lawyer, Ms. Li has handled nearly one thousand cases of defense and acted as a representative in civil, economic, and non-lawsuit cases. Since 2006, as full-time public interest lawyer, Ms. Li has spearheaded the establishment of the Jiangsu Province Bar Association’s Protection of Minors Committee. She has handled many cases involving juvenile rights, holding over 1000 legal consultations, and through the “Four Entries” lawyer development program (entry into the community, into prison, into the countryside, and into campus), successively organized, participated, and carried out more than 200 publicity and training activities for promoting legal awareness. On the legislative front, during the drafting process of amendments to the current legal system, she raised reasonable and specialized suggestions, which received the legislative department’s attention and adoption. In April 2010, Ms. Li organized and prepared the Jiangsu Weishide Public Interest Legal Aid department, and thereby professionalized, specialized, and systematized the field of legal services for disadvantaged groups.


陈彩静 Chen Caijing



       陈彩静律师,1984年8月12日出生,毕业于云南师范大学法学学士。2010年3月加入天津益清法律援助工作站,从事专职法律援助工作。 陈彩静律师自执业以来兢兢业业,不辞劳苦,细心为每一位咨询人员答疑解惑,在承办的诸多案件中,同样不乏重大疑难之例。在为当事人解决困难、挽回损失的同时,也在不断的丰富自己的知识与经验。

       Chen Caijing, born on August 12, 1984, graduated from the Yunnan Normal University with a Bachelor of Law. In March 2010 she joined the workstation of Tianjin Yiqing Legal Aid Workstation and is currently engaged in full-time legal aid work. Chen Caijing conscientiously, painstakingly, and carefully answers questions during every consultation. She has handled many difficult cases. While helping clients solve problems and recoup their losses, she also constantly works to improve her own knowledge and experience.


吴怀选 Wu Huaixuan


  吴怀选, 1981年4月生,2004年毕业于河南财经学院法学院法学专业,获法学学士学位。2009年5月到河南省律师协会农民工法律援助工作站从事专职公益律师工作。吴律师自2009年5月专职从事农民工法律援助工作以来,为500余名农民工提供了免费的法律咨询服务,办理农民工法律援助案件110余件,其中通过调解结案65件,通过仲裁和诉讼结案35件。为120余名农民工提供了免费代理服务,为农民工切实讨回工资、经济补偿金、工伤、人身损害等赔偿款约100万余元,赢得了广大农民工的赞誉和社会各界的好评。2011年其撰写的《如何理解经济补偿金中的月工资》获河南省律师协会劳动与社会保障委员会年度征文优秀奖。

  Wu Huaiyuan graduated from Henan University of Economics and Law in 2004. He joined Henan Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full time public interest lawyer in May 2009. Since then he has provided free legal consultation services for more than 500 migrant workers, handled 110 migrant workers’ legal aid cases, of which 65 were solved by mediation and 35 were solved by arbitration or litigation. He represented 120 migrant workers for free and helped them collect more than 1,000,000 RMB unpaid wages, compensations, and damages for personal injury caused during work. He received praise from migrant workers and the public. His 2011 publication “How to Understand the Definition of Monthly Salary in Economic Compensation” was awarded that year’s Outstanding Article Prize by Henan Lawyers Association and the Social Security Committee.


宋勇强 Song Yongqiang



  Song Yongqiang graduated from the Longdong Teachers College with an undergraduate law degree, and he is a member of the China Democratic League. He began working as a lawyer in 2005, and in 2007 joined the Gansu Province Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer specializing in labor disputes, personal injury compensation disputes, marriage, family and inheritance disputes, as well as construction contract disputes.


李文红 Li Wenhong


  李文红,毕业于西北政法大学,获得法学学士。2006年8月~2009年12月 山西成诚律师事务所专职律师。2010年1月至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾。擅长办理民事侵权、劳动争议、工伤、婚姻家庭纠纷等法律事务。

  Li Wenhong graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law. From August 2006 to December 2009, she was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm. Since January 2010, she has been a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. She specializes in handling tort cases, labor disputes, work-related injury cases, and family cases.


曹辉 Cao Hui



  曹辉, 1969年1月生,北京理工大学工学学士,南开大学法律硕士(在读),电子技术工程师、现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师。曾在解放军总装备部某部服役10余年,2003年中校副团转业。曹辉律师具有丰富的社会经验和多行业从业经历,办理了大量刑事、民事、商事、劳动案件。现为“全国职业院校技能大赛高职组”法律顾问。2011年被天津市河北区司法局法律援助中心评为法律援助先进个人。

  Cao Hui, born in January 1969, Bachelor’s from Beijing Institute of Technology, and is currently obtaining his LLM at Nankai University, an electronic technical engineer, now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He has served for more than 10 years in the PLA General Armament Department, and in 2003 was Deputy Lieutenant Colonel of the Demobilized group. Mr. Cao Hui has rich experience in society and many industries, and has dealt with a large amount of criminal, civil, commercial, and labor case. Now he is legal adviser for the National Vocational Students Skills Competition. In 2011 by he was deemed by the Tianjin Hebei District Judicial Bureau Legal Aid Center as a first-rate legal aid lawyer.


  Phone number: 13682109339、13389958887



杜宏彬 Du Hongbin





  Du Hongbin is a full-time lawyer at Shijiazhuang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Center. He has a bachelor’s degree. He became a full-time migrant workers’ legal aid lawyer in February 2009 and devoted himself into the protection of migrant workers’ rights. In the three years, he has handled more than 290 migrant worker legal aid cases, recovered more than RMB 9 million unpaid wages and workers’ compensation, and helped more than 7100 migrant workers. His cases have been reported by China Central Television Station, Hebei Television Station, Shijiazhuang Television Station, Yanzhao Daily, Hebei Workers Daily. He has received honors such as “Hebei Outstanding Party Member in the Legal Profession,” “Shijiazhuang Outstanding Party Member,” and “Shijiazhuang Top Ten Outstanding Legal Aid Lawyers.”


魏鑫 Wei Xin



  魏鑫, 1983年6月13日出生,毕业于南京中医药大学。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。2010年4月开始从事专职公益律师工作。工作期间,接待各类咨询百余次,成功办结法律援助案件100多件,为受援人挽回上百万元的经济损失。同时与中心律师一起下社区开展普法活动,深受群众的好评。

  Wei Xin, born on June 13, 1983, graduated from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. In April 2010, Mr. Wei started working as a full-time public welfare lawyer. He has performed all kinds of consultations, successfully handled more than 100 legal aid cases, and recovered over 1,000,000 RMB in economic losses for clients. At the same time, he has undertaken many efforts to raise legal rights awareness, receiving high praise from the people.


宋娜 Song Na



  宋娜, 1984年3月生,中共党员。2007年7 月毕业于山东大学,获得法学学士学位。2011年7月毕业于贵州民族学院,获得法学硕士学位,研究方向为经济法学。2011年8月,获得律师执业证,进入山东农民工维权工作站工作。

  Song Na received a bachelor’s degree in law from Shandong University in July 2007. In July 2011, she obtained a master’s degree in law from Guizhou College for Nationalities, studying economic law. She obtained the lawyer’s license and joined the Workstation in August 2011.


李群 Li Qun



  李群, 1982年1月18日生,本科,毕业于宁夏大学。2007年9月进入宁夏银川市农民工维权工作站,2010年取得律师执业资格证,现为工作站负责人。自2008年10月至2011年6月,李群律师共接待来访咨询一千余件,免费代书一百余件,共办理涉及农民工及其他经济困难人员的各类援助案件83件,涉及人数85人,通过诉讼、仲裁调解等方式为农民工挽回经济损失1429908.33元,最大限度地维护了受援人的合法权益,她的工作得到了当事人的一致肯定。除办理案件外,为了给农民工宣传法律知识,李群律师组织工作站的其他律师一起深入建筑工地、劳务市场、街道社区进行义务法律宣传和咨询二十余次,散发宣传材料数万份;为了提高农民工的法律意识,她主动与银川市流动人口就业服务中心联系,联合举办多场农民工普法培训讲座,通过普法培训讲座,大大提高了农民工的法律维权意识,也深受农民工的欢迎。

  Li Qun graduated from Ningxia University. She joined the Workstation in September 2007 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 2010. She is currently in charge of the Workstation. Between October 2008 and June 2011, Li Qun received more than 1000 consultation visits, provided free document drafting for more than 100 clients, and handled 83 legal aid cases involving 85 migrant workers and other people with economic difficulties. She helped migrant workers to collect RMB 1429908.33 damages through litigation, arbitration, and mediation. She protected clients’ legal rights, and her work was highly praised. In addition to dealing with cases, Li Qun also organized other lawyers at the Workstation to go to construction sites, labor markets, and street communities to provide free legal education and consultation to migrant workers. They sent out more than ten thousand copies of legal education materials. In order to promote migrant workers’ awareness of legal rights, she contacted Yinchuan Employment Service Center for Migrant Population and organized legal education lectures for migrant workers. These lectures increased migrant workers’ awareness of their rights and were well received by the migrant workers.


张周斌 Zhang Zhoubin


  张周斌律师, 1982年10月生,毕业于西北政法大学,2006年从事律师工作,现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师。 张律师思维敏捷、诚实守信、法学功底深厚,恪守律师执业道德和律师执业纪律,以灵活、务实的办案风格赢得当事人的信赖。执业之余在《人民法院报》、《今晚报》、《天津日报》发表多篇文章。同时经过选拔2008年天津市检察官与律师论辩赛,取得团体第三名的优异成绩。

  Zhang Zhoubin, born on October 1982, graduated from Northwestern University of Political Science and Law. In 2006 he began working as a lawyer, and now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He is quick-thinking, honest and trustworthy, with a deep understanding of the law, and strictly observes lawyers’ professional ethics and discipline, and by his pragmatic way of handling cases wings the trust of his clients. In the course of his practice he has published multiple articles in the “People’s Court Daily,” the “Today Evening News,” the “Tianjin Daily.” Also, after being selected for the 2008 in Tianjin Prosecutors and Lawyers Debate, Mr. Zhang obtain third place distinguished recognition.


王延辉 Wang Yanhui



  Wang Yanhui, born on January 20, 1986, is of Han ethnicity. He graduated from Henan University of Science and Technology with a Bachelor of Law in 2008. He obtained the lawyer’s license in the same year. In December 2008 he started interning at Qinghai Enze Law Firm. In May 2010, he joined Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer. In December 2010, he won the Third Prize in the “2010 National Legal Knowledge Competition” organized by the Department of Justice, the State Council’s News Office, and the National Office of Legal Popularization. While working at the Workstation, Wang Yanhui has actively cooperated with Qinghai TV station’s legal programs and built a collaborative relationship between public interest organizations and the media. They held hotline consultation, disseminated legal knowledge, educated migrant workers on their legal rights, and commented on typical cases and important laws and regulations. In this way, the organizations complemented each other’s advantages and shared resources, and together they set a good example for the public. Their public services and free legal aid for disadvantaged groups, especially migrant workers, were highly praised by the parties involved.


石珍珍 Shi Zhenzhen


  石珍珍, 1985.12.5出生,毕业于南京师范大学 法学院。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。工作期间,参与国家级12338热线接线指南(城市版)编写工作;参与撰写专业性论文6篇;与其他执业律师合办案件10余件;参与女子监狱、女子劳教所组织的帮教活动2次;接待咨询100余次;参与组织律师协会主办会议、活动2次;参与推动未保委组建工作1次;参与省消协和省律协联合组建的律师团成立活动2次;参与法律知识培训2次。

  Shi Zhenzhen, born December 5, 1985, graduate of Nanjing Normal University Law School. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. Ms. Shi wrote and edited the guidebook for the National Hotline 12338 (city version). She has also authored six professional papers and worked jointly with other practicing lawyers on more than ten cases. Ms. Shi has also twice taken part in education programs in womens’ prison and the women’s reeducation through labor office. She has held consultations 100 times. She has participated in Bar Association conferences two times. She has participated in promoting children’s rights and promotion work once. She twice participated in the lawyers’ group conference jointly established by the Provincial Consumer Association and the Provincial Bar Association. She has twice participated in legal knowledge training.


李强 Li Qiang


  李强, 1968年12月出生,山东大学法律系毕业,2004年11月在山东舜天律师事务所做专职律师,2007年4月在山东省农民工维权工作站从事专职公益律师,2010年1月起,担任山东省农民工维权工作站执行主任。



  Li Qiang graduated from Shandong University Law School. He became a full time lawyer at Shandong Shun Tian Law Firm in November 2004 and joined the Workstation as a full time public interest lawyer in April 2007. In January 2010, he became the executive director of the Workstation.

  Li Qiang has handled more than 400 cases, including more than 300 legal aid cases. In order to disseminate knowledge of legal rights, he regularly went to migrant workers’ gathering places and held more than 20 training sessions on protecting legal rights. To promote the development of public interest law, he went to universities and high schools and gave more than 10 lectures on public interest law. He also cooperated with the media and had more than 100 interviews to advocate for the rights of disadvantaged groups. In order to deeply study migrant worker issues, Li Qiang summarized and reflected on cases he handled, and published articles such as “Thoughts on Protecting Migrant Workers’ Rights” and “How to Handle Cases Involving Migrant Worker Groups”, and books such as “100 Questions about Protecting Migrant Workers’ Rights” and “100 Questions about Protecting Women’s Rights.”

  Li Qiang’s work has been highly praised by his clients and the public. He has received more than 60 pennants and “thank you” letters. In February 2011, he was named “Shandong Outstanding Lawyer in Protecting Workers’ Rights” by Shandong Labor Union, Shandong Department of Justice, and Shandong Lawyers Association. In April 2011, he received the “Shandong Labor Medal” awarded by Shandong Labor Union.


陈凯军 Chen Kaijun







  Chen Kaijun, born on January 4, 1971, graduated from Zhengzhou University with a bachelor’s degree. He began working as a lawyer in 1995. Since 2010 he has worked at Xuchang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time legal aid lawyer.

  In the past two years he has given a total of 337 instances of legal advice, including telephone counseling, interviews, etc., guiding migrant workers through the legal system. He has handled 63 legal aid cases and helped more than 100 migrant workers protect their legal rights. The amount of money involved was RMB 273 million.


周玮 Zhou Wei




  Zhou Wei, born April 26, 1973, graduated from Northwestern University of Political Science and Law. He began working as a lawyer in 2000. Since 2007, he has been a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. Colleagues remark on his willingness to work hard his strong sense of responsibility and careful, rational and logical thinking. He has experience handling civil, criminal and administrative cases.


王秀娟 Wang Xiujuan



  王秀娟,毕业于西北政法大学,获法学学士。2006年~2010年任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2011年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产业协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾,擅长办理劳动争议、婚姻家庭、人身损害、劳动行政复议等方面的法律事务。

  Wang Xiujuan graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law. She was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm from 2006 to 2010 and became a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in 2011. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. She specializes in handling labor disputes, family cases, personal injury cases, and labor administrative reconsideration.


任建功 Ren Jiangong



  任建功,毕业于山西大学,2008年起加入山西省农民工法律援助工作站,从事专职公益律师工作。 同时担任山西省总工会法律顾问、山西省建筑业协会法律顾问、山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾。擅长办理劳动争议、工伤赔偿、人身损害赔偿、交通事故、医疗纠纷,涉农刑事案件及婚姻家庭案件。

  Ren Jiangong graduated from Shanxi University. He joined Shanxi Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full time public interest lawyer in 2008. He is also a counselor of Shanxi Labor Union, counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. Ren Jiangong specializes in handling labor disputes, work-related injury compensations, traffic accident compensations, medical malpractice disputes, farmers’ criminal cases, and family cases.


李坤梅 Li Kunmei




  Li Kunmei graduated from the Guizhou Institute of Education. She has been working as a lawyer since 2004, and she officially joined the Guizhou Lawyers Association Migrant Workers Legal Aid Workstation in 2011, engaged in full-time public interest work. Li Kunmei is passionate, patient, and serious when it comes to her work and for this she has received praise.


周春蕾 Zhou Chunlei



  Zhou Chunlei, born on November 9, 1976, graduated from Nanjing University with a Bachelor of Law in 1997. From 1997 to 2008 she worked in human resources in Nanjing Commercial Building Co., Ltd. In June 2010 she began a full-time public interest lawyer of the Jiangsu Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. Diligent and cautious in handling cases and fulfilling her duties, she resolutely works to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups of migrant workers. She has received many praises and banners of thanks from parties she has represented.


王西平 Wang Xiping


  王西平律师, 1970年9月生,毕业于南开大学,法律硕士, 2002年4月起从事律师工作,现为天津华盛理法律援助工作站专职公益律师、天津市律师协会民商事专业委员会、劳动法专业委员会、刑事辩护专业委员会委员。自执业以来,真诚待人,以热情的服务态度和扎实的法律知识赢得了当事人的信任和肯定,最大限度的维护委托人的合法权益。曾多次参办天津市律师协会、司法局和事务所组织的公益性法律服务活动,并定期在天津市政府信访中心为上访人员进行法律咨询,取得了很好的社会效益。

  WangXiPing lawyer, born in September 1970, graduated from Nankai University, Master of Laws. In April 2002 he began working as a lawyer, and now is a full-time public interest lawyer Tianjin Huachengli Legal Aid Station. He is a member of the Tianjin Bar Association Civil and Commercial Professional Committee, the Labor Law Professional Committee, and the Criminal Defense Specialized Committee. Since starting practice, he genuinely treats people well, with an enthusiastic attitude and strong legal knowledge wins the confidence and trust of his clients, maintaining to the highest degree the legal rights and interests of his clients. He has participated many times in the Tianjin Bar Association, and activities organized by the Justice Bureau and Public Interest Office. At regular intervals he has even gone to the Tianjin Letters and Visits Office to consult with the petitioners, achieving good social benefits.


强英军 Qiang Yingjun


  强英军,男,专职律师,任职于河北佳诚律师事务所、石家庄市农民工法律援助中心专家律师。强英军律师 熟悉各种法律,具有较高的法学理论水平、较强的实际工作能力和较丰富的办案经验,擅长办理各类诉讼和非诉讼法律事务。

  Qiang Yingjun is a full-time lawyer at Hebei Jiacheng Law Firm and Shijianzhuang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Center. He is familiar with various areas of law, has advanced legal knowledge, strong practice ability, and rich experience with cases. He is good at handling many kinds of litigation or non-litigation cases.


寇伟刚 Kou Weigang





  Kou Weigang, born on April 4, 1974, graduated from the China Radio and Television University with a bachelor’s degree. He has worked as a lawyer since 2009. Since 2010 he has worked at Xuchang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time legal aid lawyer.

  In the past two years, he has given legal advice in more than 370 instances, including telephone consultation, interviews and other help by way of legal advice and guidance to migrant workers according to activist principles. He has completed more than 80 legal aid cases and helped more than 150 migrant workers protect their legal rights. The amount of money involved was RMB 357 million.


郑永标 Zheng Yongbiao




  Cheng Yongbiao was born in November of 1979 and graduated from Northeast Forestry University. He began practicing legal aid work as a public interest lawyer in September 2006. His average daily work includes a daily intake of 1-2 legal advice cases. These cases have involved more than 1,000 people. Out of the various types of legal aid cases that were handled, more than 200 cases involved children, women’s rights cases, and cases involving people with disabilities. Hundreds of aid recipients have recovered economic losses amounting to over 500 million.


王婷 Wang Ting



  王婷, 1981年10月出生,毕业于天津城市建设学院,管理学学士。现任天津益清法律援助工作站专职律师。2007年11月-2008年2月:于天津市新技术产业园区劳动仲裁委员会工作,为首席仲裁员担任书记员,协助其审理了大量劳动争议案件。2009年3月进入益清律师事务所。2010年5月至今:任天津益清法律援助工作站专职律师。


  Profile of Wang Ting

  Wang Ting, born in October 1981, graduated from the Tianjin Institute of Urban Construction with a Bachelor of Management. She now works at the Tianjin Yiqing Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer. From November 2007 through February 2008 she worked at the Labor Arbitration Committee in Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, and as a presiding arbitrator she assisted in a large number of cases involving labor disputes. She joined the Tianjin Yiqing Law Firm in March 2009, and since May 2010 has been a full-time lawyer at the Workstation.

  Since starting work at the Workstation, Wang Ting’s diligence, work attitude and handling of cases have earned her the gratitude and praise of many parties. While handling cases, she has also worked with television, radio, newspapers and other media, to raise awareness of legal rights and issues within the community. She was named “Yiqing Law Firm 2010 Advanced Individual,” and the Tianjin Department of Justice and the Tianjin Disabled Persons’ Federation jointly awarded her the title of “2011 Tianjin Advanced Individual for Protecting Disabled Persons’ Rights.”


齐少玲 Qi Shaoling



  齐少玲律师,女,1977年10月生,毕业于河北大学,法学学士学位, 2004年起从事律师工作,2010年4月至今以专职律师兼办事员身份参与中央专项彩票公益金法律援助项目,办理了大量劳动仲裁、非诉讼及诉讼案件,为当事人挽回了较大的经济损失,切实维护了当事人的合法权益。

  Ji Shaoling lawyer, female, born in October 1977, graduated from Hebei University, Bachelor in Law. In 2004 she began working as a lawyer, and since April 2010 has been a full-time lawyer and staff member working on the Special Central Welfare Lottery Legal Aid Projects. She has handled a large number of labor arbitration cases, non-litigation and litigation cases, recovering large amounts of economic losses for the client and protecting the legal rights of the parties.


李东 Li Dong


  2010年 6月—至今 山东法杰律师事务所农民工维权法律工作站公益律师,专门从事农民工、老、弱、残及妇女儿童等弱势群体的维权工作。李东律师具有较好的心理承受能力、学习能力、执行力;工作踏实认真、适应能力强;严谨敬业,工作主动细心;沟通协调能力强,文字及语言表达能力良好;有很强的资料搜集归纳整理分析能力;有较强的逻辑思维能力与文字功底。

  Li Dong has been a public interest lawyer at Shandong Fa Jie Law Firm Workstation for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Legal Rights since June 2010. He focuses on protecting the legal rights of disadvantaged groups such as migrant workers, the elderly, the disabled, women, and children. Li Dong has great learning capacity, implementation capacity, and adaptive ability. He is hard-working, precise, and proactive. He also has superior communication, writing, and speaking skills, and is good at researching and analyzing legal materials.


赵兵 Zao Bing


  赵兵, 1973年9月20日出生,毕业于西北政法学院。2004年开始从事律师工作。2007年起任陕西农民工维权工作总站专职律师。知识面广,基础扎实,法学基本理论掌握较好,理论联系实际能力较强;民事、刑事、行政案件办案经验丰富,善于总结归纳。

  Zhao Bing, born September 20, 1973, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. He began working as a lawyer in 2004. In 2007 he was appointed a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. His colleagues remark on his extensive legal knowledge and a great grasp of legal theory, and his ability to link that legal theory with legal practice. He is experienced in handling civil, criminal and administrative cases.