分类归档 各地公益律师 PI Lawyers


王巨澜 Wang Julan


  王巨澜, 1971年4月24日出生,毕业于中南财经政法大学。现任浙江劳动律师事务所法律援助工作站律师。入职以来,王律师投入了极大的热情和精力,参与了法律援助案件的接待、诉讼策略制定、立案、调解和庭审工作,得到了当事人的好评。

  Wang Julan was born on April 24, 1971. He graduated from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and is a current lawyer at Zhejiang Labor Law Firm Legal Aid Workstation. Since he’s joined the station, he has put a great deal of enthusiasm and energy into the reception of legal aid cases, litigation strategy, filing, mediation and trial work. He has received positive evaluations from parties involved.


欧阳承惟 Ou Yangchengwei




  Ouyang Chengwei graduated from the Jiangxi Radio and Television University in July 1992 and began working as a lawyer in June 1999. He became a full-time public interest lawyer in pro bono legal services at Jiangxi Province Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Guidance Center in May 2007. He has handled nearly 200 legal aid cases, trained more than 500 migrant works, and received more than 700 consultation phone calls and visits. He has handled labor disputes and personal injury compensation disputes in addition to other cases and has earnestly safeguarded the legal rights and interests of migrant workers and disadvantaged groups.


胡少远 Hu Shaoyuan


  胡少远, 1984年12月18日出生,本科,2009年7月份毕业于北方民族大学法学院。2010年开始从事律师工作。工作以来,专职为进城务工的“农民工”及城镇弱势群体提供法律援助,代理多起民事及刑事案件,通过办理拖欠农民工工资、工伤、劳动纠纷、人身损害赔偿案件,积累了丰富的经验和办案技巧。

  Hu Shaoyuan graduated from the Law School of Northern University of Nationalities in July 2009 and started legal practice in 2010. He provides legal aid for migrant workers and disadvantaged groups in the urban areas. He has handled many civil and criminal cases and gained rich experience and skills through cases involving migrant workers payment, work-related injuries, labor disputes, and torts.


张立辉 Zhang Lihui




  Zhang Lihui, born on May 29, 1981, has a bachelor’s degree. He passed the National Judicial Exam in 2004. He joined the Hebei Jun He Xin Law Firm in March 2007 and began full-time legal aid work for migrant workers in December 2007. He is now the executive director of the Workstation. Since beginning legal aid work, Zhang Lihui has handled more than 200 migrant workers cases and successfully recovered unpaid wages and work-related injury compensation totaling RMB 2.6 million for migrant workers.


王惠 Wang Hui




  Wang Hui began working as a lawyer in 1997. Since May 20, 2007, she has been a full-time public interest lawyer at the Jiangxi Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Guidance Center. In addition to meeting with members of vulnerable groups for consultation and handling legal aid cases, Wang Hui also works with TV stations and news media such as "Southern Metropolis Daily” and “Legal Daily" to help migrant workers collect unpaid wages. She has been to communities to spread legal awareness, has trained cadres, legal workers, people’s mediators, legal advocates, and legal aid workers, and also taught lawyer trainees in 2011 in Jiangxi Province. In 2010, Wang Hui wrote a paper entitled “On Public Interest Lawyering: From the Viewpoint of a Full-Time Migrant Workers’ Lawyer” for which she received an award from the East China Lawyers Forum. Wang Hui’s cases “Migrant Workers Laid Off Without Reason: Legal Aid Protected Workers’ Rights” and “Legal Aid Lawyers Successfully Aided the Courageous Hero” were assessed by the Department of Justice as one of the 2010 province’s Top 100 Legal Aid Boutique Cases. In 2011, the Jiangxi Province Labor Unions and the Jiangxi Province Department of Justice awarded Wang Hui the title of “Jiangxi Province Outstanding Lawyer in Protecting the Legal Rights and Interests of Workers,” and she also received the “Jiangxi Province Caring for Disabled People” award presented by the Disabled Persons Working Committee of the Jiangxi Province People’s Government. In 2011, the Department of Justice’s Director, Ma Chengzu, remarked on a “thank you” letter to Wang Hui by migrant workers, “Gold Cup or Silver Cup is not as illustrative as public reputation!”


麻英 Ma Ying



  麻英律师自1998年起开始从事律师工作。2007年5月加入甘肃省农民工法律维权工作站做专职律师,专职从事农民工维权工作。从工作站成立至今共办理案件179件,开展普法培训2场,撰写实证研究报告3篇,开展大型普法 20多次,为农民工发放宣传材料1万多份,在报纸上发表典型案例6篇,接受电视台的采访为农民工做普法宣传18期。2010年参与《甘肃省法律援助条例》的立法,2010年被甘肃省人民政府评为“劳务经济工作先进个人”。

  Ma Ying Ma Ying has worked as a lawyer since 1998. In May 2007, she joined the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time lawyer, engaged in the full-time protection of migrant workers’ rights. While at the Workstation, she has handled 179 cases, held two legal training sessions, wrote three reports on empirical studies, carried out large-scale legal rights education activities twenty times, distributed more than 10,000 copies of educational materials for migrant workers, published six cases in newspapers, and given 18 television interviews to disseminate legal knowledge and advocate for migrant workers’ rights. She was also involved in the making of the Gansu Province Legal Aid Ordinance in 2010 and was named “Advanced Individual in Labor Economy Work” by the People’s Government of Gansu Province.


郭丽娟 Guo Lijuan




  Guo Lijuan, born April 1982. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. In July 2009, she began as a full-time public interest lawyer, advising and providing free legal aid to a large number of aid recipient clients in economic difficulties, recovering over 10,000 RMB in economic losses. Through her professionalism and integrity, Ms. Guo consistently wins clients’ approval and high opinion. Many clients have presented Ms. Guo with pennants to show their gratitude. In 2010, Ms. Guo was chosen by the law office as "Attorney Most Trusted by Clients."


张华伟 Zhang Huawei




  Zhang Huawei graduated from the Law School of Northern University of Nationalities in July 2008. He passed the National Judicial Exam in September 2008 and obtained the lawyer’s license in July 2010. From September 2009 to August 2011, he participated in the CCCLE public interest law volunteer project and worked at the Ningxia Legal Aid Center. He joined the Workstation in September 2011 and became a full-time lawyer providing legal aid to migrant workers and disadvantaged groups. He has received 26 consultation visits and handled 6 cases, of which 2 have been completed.


王恩慧 Wang Enhui



  Mr. Wang Enhui, born Feb. 2, 1987. After he graduated from Sichuan University in 2009, he worked at the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station, specializing in services for workers.


栾剑 Luan Jian



  Luan Jian is a lawyer who graduated from Guizhou University’s Law School and worked at the Shenzhen Branch of the China Construction Engineering Bureau. He began working as a lawyer in 2009. In April 2011, he formally joined the Guizhou Lawyers Association Migrant Workers Legal Aid Workstation, engaging in full-time public interest lawyering. Luan Jian takes his job seriously and is often praised by clients.


冯峥 Feng Zheng


  冯峥,毕业于山西大学,获得法学学位,2006 年~2009年,任山西成诚律师事务所专职律师,2010年至今任山西省农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,同时兼任山西省建筑业协会法律顾问,山西省房地产协会法律顾问和山西综合广播《904热线》节目、山西农村广播电台《有事您说 话》节目、太原广播电台《与法同行》节目常年特邀嘉宾 。擅长办理劳动争议、工伤赔偿、人身伤害、交通事故、婚姻家庭、涉农刑事案件等法律事务。

  Feng Zheng graduated from Shanxi University. From 2006 to 2009, she was a full time lawyer at Shanxi Cheng Cheng Law Firm. She has been a full time lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation since 2010. She is also a counselor of Shanxi Architecture Industry Association, counselor of Shanxi Real Estate Association, and specially invited guest at several radio and TV programs. Feng Zheng specializes in handling labor disputes, work-related injury compensation, traffic accident compensations, farmers’ criminal cases, and family cases.


于鹏 Yu Peng




  Yu Peng graduated from Shandong University of Economics with a bachelor’s degree in law. He is a public interest lawyer at Shandong Fa Jie Law Firm Workstation for Protecting Migrant Workers’ Legal Rights. He provides legal aid for disadvantaged workers, migrant workers, and housekeepers.


陶顾文 Tao Guwen


  陶顾文,1984年1月生,中国政法大学在职博士生。2006年本科毕业后,在广东盛唐律师事务所参加工作,2008年取得律师执业证书。 2010年正式成为深圳市盛唐农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,为外来务工人员、妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人等广大弱势群体提供法律援助服务。2011年度,受理法律援助申请近三百人次。本律师及本工作站致力于保护弱势群体利益、维护社会公正、化解矛盾、引导理性维权。

  Tao Guwen, born in January 1984, Doctoral Candidate at China University of Political Science and Law. In 2006, after his undergraduate graduation, he joined Tang Law Firm in Guangdong, and in 2008 acquired a lawyer’s practice certificate. In 2010, he officially joined Chengtang Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station in Shenzhen as a full-time lawyer, providing legal services for migrant workers, women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and many vulnerable groups. In 2011, he accepted nearly three hundred legal aid cases. Mr. Tao has devoted himself to protecting the interests of vulnerable groups, safeguarding social justice, resolving conflicts, and guiding the development of rights.


刘喜全 Liu Xiquan



  刘喜全,1961.6.22出生,中共党员,民商法研究生,1983年自愿到青海工作, 1986年取得律师资格,并从事兼职律师工作。1988年调入青海河湟律师事务所任专职律师,1993担任律师事务所主任,2007年兼任青海省农民工法律援助工作站主任。现为青海律师协会常务理事,律师维权、法律援助与公益法律事务专门委员会委员,西宁市仲裁委员会首席仲裁员、平安县政协委员、平安县工商联理事。1998年刘喜全律师荣获青海省首届“十佳律师”称号;多次被青海省司法厅评为“青海省优秀律师”、“学习标兵”;被海东地区和平安县司法局评为“先进个人”等荣誉称号。

  Liu Xiquan, born on June 22, 1961, has a master’s degree in civil and commercial law. He volunteered to work in Qinghai in 1983 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 1986, beginning full-time legal practice. He joined Qinghai Hehuang Law Firm as a full-time lawyer in 1988 and became the director of the firm in 1993. In 2007, he became the director of the Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is currently a councilman of the Qinghai Lawyers Association, a member on the Legal Aid and Public Interest Committee, the chief arbitrator of Xining Arbitration Commission, a member of the Pingan County People’s Political Consultative Committee, and a councilman of Pingan County Business Association. In 1998, Liu Xiquan was awarded the Qinghai “Ten Best Lawyers” title. He has many other honors such as “Qinghai Outstanding Lawyers,” “Dux,” and he was named “Advanced Individual” by Haidong District and Pingan County Department of Justice.


方华 Fang Hua




  Fang Hua, born on November 23, 1977, graduated from Ningbo University. She is a lawyer at Zhejiang Labor Law Firm Legal Aid Workstation. Since she became a legal aid station lawyer, she has handled a variety of legal aid cases that have totaled more than 100. She has received praise from clients, various thank you pennants and feelings of gratitude.