分类归档 各地公益律师 PI Lawyers


陶顾文 Tao Guwen


  陶顾文,1984年1月生,中国政法大学在职博士生。2006年本科毕业后,在广东盛唐律师事务所参加工作,2008年取得律师执业证书。 2010年正式成为深圳市盛唐农民工法律援助工作站专职律师,为外来务工人员、妇女儿童、老年人、残疾人等广大弱势群体提供法律援助服务。2011年度,受理法律援助申请近三百人次。本律师及本工作站致力于保护弱势群体利益、维护社会公正、化解矛盾、引导理性维权。

  Tao Guwen, born in January 1984, Doctoral Candidate at China University of Political Science and Law. In 2006, after his undergraduate graduation, he joined Tang Law Firm in Guangdong, and in 2008 acquired a lawyer’s practice certificate. In 2010, he officially joined Chengtang Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station in Shenzhen as a full-time lawyer, providing legal services for migrant workers, women, children, the elderly, the disabled, and many vulnerable groups. In 2011, he accepted nearly three hundred legal aid cases. Mr. Tao has devoted himself to protecting the interests of vulnerable groups, safeguarding social justice, resolving conflicts, and guiding the development of rights.


刘喜全 Liu Xiquan



  刘喜全,1961.6.22出生,中共党员,民商法研究生,1983年自愿到青海工作, 1986年取得律师资格,并从事兼职律师工作。1988年调入青海河湟律师事务所任专职律师,1993担任律师事务所主任,2007年兼任青海省农民工法律援助工作站主任。现为青海律师协会常务理事,律师维权、法律援助与公益法律事务专门委员会委员,西宁市仲裁委员会首席仲裁员、平安县政协委员、平安县工商联理事。1998年刘喜全律师荣获青海省首届“十佳律师”称号;多次被青海省司法厅评为“青海省优秀律师”、“学习标兵”;被海东地区和平安县司法局评为“先进个人”等荣誉称号。

  Liu Xiquan, born on June 22, 1961, has a master’s degree in civil and commercial law. He volunteered to work in Qinghai in 1983 and obtained the lawyer’s license in 1986, beginning full-time legal practice. He joined Qinghai Hehuang Law Firm as a full-time lawyer in 1988 and became the director of the firm in 1993. In 2007, he became the director of the Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is currently a councilman of the Qinghai Lawyers Association, a member on the Legal Aid and Public Interest Committee, the chief arbitrator of Xining Arbitration Commission, a member of the Pingan County People’s Political Consultative Committee, and a councilman of Pingan County Business Association. In 1998, Liu Xiquan was awarded the Qinghai “Ten Best Lawyers” title. He has many other honors such as “Qinghai Outstanding Lawyers,” “Dux,” and he was named “Advanced Individual” by Haidong District and Pingan County Department of Justice.


方华 Fang Hua




  Fang Hua, born on November 23, 1977, graduated from Ningbo University. She is a lawyer at Zhejiang Labor Law Firm Legal Aid Workstation. Since she became a legal aid station lawyer, she has handled a variety of legal aid cases that have totaled more than 100. She has received praise from clients, various thank you pennants and feelings of gratitude.


杨月弟 Yang Yuedi







  Born on August 12, 1984, graduated from Yunan Normal University, Bachelor of Law

  Work history: In March 2008, he began practicing at the Tianjin Jin Chen Law Firm.

  Summary of Work at the Workstation:

  From April 2010 to November 2011, he has assisted in the handling of 440 cases.


唐小花 Tang Xiaohua


  唐小花,女,生于1980年2月12日,大学本科, 曾从事三年媒体工作。2008年通过司法考试,2009年进入四川省农民工法律援助工作站工作,先后从事律师助理、行政人员、专职律师工作。

  Ms. Tang Xiaohua, born Feb 12, 1980, after graduating, she worked for three years in the media. In 2008 she passed the bar and in 2009 she joined the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station. She worked first as a paralegal, then as administrative staff, and now is a full-time lawyer.


刘畅 Liu Chang


  刘畅,1985年12月生,毕业于北方民族大学,获得法学学士学位。2011年8月进入山东省农民工维权工作站工作。 主要负责接听来电咨询、接待来访当事人,为其解答法律疑问。并协助李强律师办理了大量为农民工追索劳动报酬、工伤保险待遇的案件。

  Liu Chang graduated from Northern University for Nationalities. She joined the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in August 2011. She works on taking consultation phone calls and visitors and answering their questions. She also assisted Li Qiang in many migrant workers’ cases and collected unpaid wages and insurance payment for migrant workers.


戴新 Dai Xin



       戴新, 1988.09.18出生。江苏维世德律师事务所公益维权服务中心公益律师。2010年通过司法考试,12月份开始在江苏维世德律师事务所实习,参与“中央专项公益彩票基金法律援助活动”以及江苏未保委的工作至今。参加工作后与其他执业律师合办案件20余件;参与法律宣传、法律知识讲座3次;接待咨询120次;参与组织律师协会主办会议、活动3次;参与法律知识培训3次;参与撰写专业性论文2篇。

       Dai Xin, born September 18, 1988. Public interest lawyer at Jiangsu Weishide Law Firm Public Interest Rights Protection Center. After passing the bar exam, in December 2010 Mr. Xin began an internship at the Jiangsu Center, participating in the “China Central Public Interest Welfare Lottery“ project. He continues to work in children’s rights protection today. Working jointly with other practicing lawyers, he has handled more than 20 cases. He has held consultations 120 times. He has participated in promoting legal awareness and given 3 lectures on legal knowledge. He has participated in Bar Association conferences 3 times. He has participated three times in legal knowledge training, and has authored two professional papers.


杨帆 Yang Fan



  杨帆,1971年9月16日出生,汉族,河南省柘城县人。河南大学法律系毕业,大学本科学历。1995年8月在河南开普集团有限公司做法务工作。2007年1月在河南晟大律师事务所做律师。2008年2月份进入河南省律师协会农民工法律援助工作站做专职公益律师。自参加工作以来至2011年8月份,共解答咨询 800余次,涉及4000余人,涉及金额5000余万元;办结案件232件,涉案金额500余万元,为民工发放现金300余万元。

  Yang Fan is from Zhecheng County of Henan Province and is of Han ethnicity. He graduated from Henan University Law School and worked at the legal department of the Henan Kaipu Group since August 1995. He joined Henan Sheng Da Law Firm as a lawyer in January 2007 and became a full time public interest lawyer at Henan Lawyers Association Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation in February 2008. From then to August 2011, Yang Fan received more than 800 consultation visits concerning more than 4000 people and 50,000,000 RMB and handled 232 cases involving 5,000,000 RMB and collected more than 3,000,000 RMB for migrant workers.


孙文武 Sun Wenwu




  1993.7——1994.10 天津市带钢厂

  1994.10——1998.12 三德兴(天津)工业有限公司

  1998.12——今 金辰律师事务所



  Sun Wenwu Lawyer Profile

  Work History:

  July 1993 – October 1994: Tianjin Ribbon Steel Factory

  October 1994 – December 1998: San De Xing (Tianjin) Industry Co., Ltd.

  December 1998 – Current: Jin Chen Law Firm

  Summary of Work at the Workstation:

  From March 2010 to November 2011, he has handled 103 cases.


李育伟 Li Yuwei




  Li Yuwei, born on April 28, 1975, graduated from Northwest University of Politics and Law with an associated degree in 1998. He began legal practice in 2002. In April 2007 he joined Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He fully devotes into the work and has handled many cases involving migrant workers’ rights and also actively organized activities to disseminate legal knowledge. His work has been highly praised. Because of his excellent work, he was named “Provincial Outstanding Lawyer” by Qinghai Lawyers Association in 2010.


杜伟 Du Wei




  Mr. Du Wei, graduated from Southwest Transportation University with a bachelor in law. Since September 2006, he has worked at the Sichuan Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station, working full-time on migrant worker legal aid cases. Serving as the Deputy Director of the office, he is responsible for daily work.


许常海 Xu Changhai



  Xu Haichang, born in June 1974, is of Mongolian ethnicity and has an associated degree. He is a full-time lawyer at Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He graduated from Qinghai College for Nationalities Law School in 1998, interned at Hehuang Law Firm since October 1998, and began legal practice in 2002. In May 2007, he joined Qinghai Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation as a full-time public interest lawyer, in charge of the day-to-day business at the Haidong Station. He has provided free legal services for disadvantaged groups, and donated to support poor children’s education. In December 2008, he was named “Provincial Outstanding Legal Aid Lawyer” by Qinghai Lawyers Association. In December 2009, he was named “Provincial Outstanding lawyers” by the Lawyers Association.


孙蓉 Sun Rong



  Sun Rong, born May 22, 1979, graduated from Northwest University of Political Science and Law. She began working as a lawyer in 2002. In 2006 she was appointed a full-time lawyer at the Shaanxi Migrant Workers Workstation. She has a solid legal foundation and strong analytical ability. Her colleagues call her warm, sincere, responsible and proactive and note her strong organizational skills and team spirit.


李永飞 Li Yongfei


  李永飞律师, 1978年12月出生,汉族,毕业于中国政法大学,本科学历,山东省农民工维权工作站公益律师,是济南市唯一的一名残疾人执业律师,精通手语,能熟练与聋哑人沟通,曾在残联系统从事残疾人维权工作10余年,现为山东省农民工维权工作站残疾人法律援助团队负责人。李永飞律师热心公益事业,被山东省高级人民法院、山东省司法厅、山东省公安厅、山东省残疾人联合会评为“山东省残疾人维权工作先进个人”。

  Li Yongfei graduated from China University of Political Science and Law. He is a public interest lawyer at the Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Workstation. He is the only attorney with disabilities in Jinan. He is proficient in sign language and can communicate with deaf people. He worked at the Disabled Persons Association for 10 years and promoted the rights of the disabled. He is currently in charge of the legal aid team for disabled persons at the Workstation. Li Yongfei is enthusiastic about public interest. He has been named “Shandong Outstanding Individual in Promoting Disabled Persons’ Rights” by Shandong High People’s Court, Shandong Department of Justice, Shandong Public Security Bureau, and Shandong Disabled Persons Association.


陈嘉臻 Chen Jiazhen



  Chen Jiazhen, born in October 12, 1950, graduated from Wuhan Zhongnan University. He began practicing legal aid work as a public interest lawyer in 2010. His average daily work includes daily intake of 1-2 legal advice cases. These cases have involved more than 100 people.