中青报发表题为"嫖宿幼女罪罪名饱受争议 专家称应一律定为强奸”的文章


中青报发表题为"嫖宿幼女罪罪名饱受争议 专家称应一律定为强奸”的文章

  2012年6月4日,中国青年报发表标题为"嫖宿幼女罪罪名饱受争议 专家称应一律定为强奸”的文章,文章是就北京青少年法律与研究中心发布的未成年人保护十大事件尤其是强奸幼女和家暴问题的采访,针对此问题佟丽华主任明确表示,嫖宿幼女这个罪名存在本身就是对未成年人权利的不尊重,予以取消不是复杂的法律问题,并就此问题进行深入的论述。

On June 4th 2012, The China Youth Daily carried an article titled “The crime of sleeping with prostitutes under 14 years old is controversial – expert says perpetrator should be charged with rape.” The article’s points are from the top 10 issues of children rights’ protection in 2011, particularly the issues of domestic violence and the raping of young girls, which were reported by Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center. Concerning these issues, Mr. Tong Lihua mentioned clearly that the crime of sleeping with prostitutes who are under 14 years old being a separate and distinct crime from rape, is an affront to Children’s rights – further, he analyzed the issue deeply and said it would not be a complicated legal issue to remove the special status of the crime and define it as rape.


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