
国际律师协会(International Bar Association)成立于1947年,共有来自世界各地的45000名个人会员,以及200多个国家和地区的律师组织为其团体会员,是世界上目前规模和影响最大的国际性律师组织。隶属于该协会的公益和实现正义委员会致力于建立律师、律师事务所和律师组织公益服务文化,由其发起的年度公益人物奖具有极高的社会影响力,该奖项认可的工作内容包括在立法改革、诉讼事务代理等领域对个体、社区、团体或国家产生重大影响的工作,以及为大众提供公益法律服务等。该奖项每年在全球范围内仅授予一人,以表彰在公益事业领域具有特殊责任感、致力于提供免费法律服务和实现司法公正的人 。
Tong Lihua 2012 IBA Pro Bono Award Winner
The winner of the 2012 International Bar Association (IBA) Pro Bono Award has been announced as Mr Tong Lihua, Director of Beijing Zhicheng Law Firm, Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center and Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid and Research Center, Beijing, China. The IBA Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee presented Mr Tong with the Award on Thursday 04 October 2012 during the IBA’s Annual Conference in Dublin, Ireland.
The International Bar Association, established in 1947, is the world’s leading organization of international legal practitioners,bar associations and law societies. It has a membership of over 45,000 individual legal professionals and 200 bar associations and law societies spanning all continents.
The IBA Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee is committed to the establishment of pro bono culture among lawyers, law firms and legal society. The Pro Bono Award initiated by the committee has a significant social influence, which is bestowed annually in recognition of pro bono work that exhibits an exceptional level of commitment and dedication to the provision of free legal services and access to justice. It recognises work, including legislative reform, litigation, and transactional representation, that has brought about a significant impact – to an individual, community, group, or country, or to the provision of pro bono services generally.
Ms Robin Sully, panel judge and Chair of the IBA Pro Bono and Access to Justice Committee, commented that, ‘Mr Tong is truly a leading figure in public interest law in China and his career exemplifies the outstanding qualities that the IBA Pro Bono Award seeks to highlight. He has demonstrated through his work on children’s rights and migrant workers’ rights in China a wholehearted dedication to pro bono work. He has been very innovative in establishing models for pro bono work and his efforts have also brought about a significant impact on disadvantaged communities, such as children and migrant workers in China. He is thoroughly deserving of the 2012 IBA Pro Bono Award and we applaud him.’