赵辉 Zhao Hui


赵辉 Zhao Hui







  Ms,Zhao Hui ,Attorney at Law Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center

  In reflecting on her experience as juvenile rights protection lawyer,Zhao Hui is quick to acknowledge that the work is very difficult an complex,and as such ,all the more necessary.With a maturity of experience beyond her few short years as an attorney, Zhao Hui is part of the vanguard of young attorneys who are deeply trouble by the growing number of”at risk ”juvenile dffender,who are so often themselves the vicims of troubled backgrounds,sexual abuse or neglect.Committed to improving services for young people,she the Beijing Juvenile Legal Aid and Research Center,a Chinese NGO aimed at strengthening the rights of children .In this time ,she has handled nearly 50 juvenile cases,as well promoted the need for juvenile rights protection.Among the works she has wrote or compield is a “Guide Book on Work of China Juvenile Rights Protecion and Crime Prevention”.She is also the communication editor-in-chief of “For Children—Juvenile Interests and Rights Protection is Moving Forward”.


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