The Migrant Workers’ Center established the “Migrant Worker Weekend Legal Education School” on 26 April 2006. The lawyers visit construction sites on weekends and educate migrant workers on their rights. These visits provide migrant workers with important legal knowledge enabling them to protect their own interests. Using specific cases as examples, the lawyers also teach them how to collect evidence, how to protect their rights and interests through legal means, thereby enhancing their awareness of rights protection.

Inauguration Ceremony of the Advocacy Station for Migrant Workers

Wang Yongfeng and Li Songchen conducting Legal Training for Migrant Workers on 14 November 2009

Zhao Qiang using his Weekend to conduct Legal Training for Migrant Workers.
In order to further safeguard migrant workers’ rights, the Migrant Workers’ Center pays particular emphasis on training full-time lawyers for migrant workers, university students and volunteers interested in migrant workers’ rights protection, so that they too can provide legal aid to migrant workers. Our lawyers give lectures at universities and participate in university education seminars. To date, hundreds of workshops have been organized by legal aid lawyers.

Shi Fumao giving a Lecture to Full-time Migrant Workers Lawyers in the Capacity-Building Training Sessions

The First Training Session for Volunteer Legal Aid Lawyers in Sichuan province on 17 September 2007
Lecture Summary Table of Lawyer Shi Fumao

Director Tong Lihua delivering Legal Training and distributing Contacts Cards of the Migrant Workers’ Center on the Special Train organized by National Federation of Trade Unions, receiving a Warm Welcome from Migrant Workers.

Shi Fumao delivering Legal Training at the Olympic Games Construction Site