Bio of Wenjuan Zhang
Ms. Wenjuan Zhang, attorney at law, is currently Deputy Director of the Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center, Chief Program officer of the Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid and Research Center, and a member of the Managing Committee of the national Zhicheng Public Interest Law Network for which she is responsible for the Network’s research and international cooperation. She also is a committee member of the Public Interest Law and Social Responsibility Committee of All China Lawyers’ Association, Vice Director of Committee on Legal Aid and Public Interest Law of Beijing Lawyers’ Association, Secretary General of Rural Areas Rule of Law Institute of Beijing Law Society and Chief Executive Editor of the Chinese Lawyers and Children’s Rights Protection Journal. She is currently a visiting scholar at the Yale Law School researching on the international role of Chinese NGOs. She also served as an expert member of the UNICEF/NWCCW Project of Implementing National Program of Action for Child Development in China (2006-2010) and a member of the Advisory Committee for Human Trafficking Civil Legal Assistance Training and Leadership Project initiated by the American Bar Association (ABA). Ms. Zhang received a master’s degree in law from the Peking Law School in 2004 and in 2006-2007 she was a visiting scholar and also a PILI fellow of Columbia Law School with focusing on public interest law. Ms. Zhang has published several books and over 50 articles and essays in journals and newspapers, including Survey Report on Best Practice of Handling Legal Disputes and Conflicts in Rural Areas, (Author 2011), Comparative Research on US-China Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives, (Author 2010), Civil Society in China: A New Force for Equitable Development—Experiences and Thoughts of Legal Aid CSO, (Co-authored by Tong Lihua, 2009 ), Studies on Inter-Agency Child Protection Mechanism (Chief editor, 2008).