Promotion and Participation in the Legislation Process
“Direct individual legal aid can only help protect a few children, but a comprehensive legal system can adequately protect thousands of children. Since the founding of our center, we have been actively involved in the legislation of child law.”——Tong Lihua

Director Tong Lihua at the seminar on Law on Protection of Minors held by Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs of the National People’s Congress
In 2002, Director Tong Lihua was entrusted by to draft the first draft of the Beijing Act on Children’s Protection. As a member of the Working Drafting Committee, Mr. Tong participated in the entire legislation process.
In 2003, the Children’s Center was entrusted by the Central Youth League to conduct legislation reform research on the enforcement of the PRC Law on Protection of Minors.
In July 2003, Tong Lihua presented an article, “Studies on Street Children” at a seminar held at the Children’s Center of China, and received attention from society at large. China New Agency further conducted a featured interview with Mr. Tong; Chinese Premier Mr. Wen Jiabao responded to this interview, requesting all relevant government departments to put particular emphasis on the issue and study the defects of the existing street children assistance system.
In April 2004, the Children’s Center and the Special Committee of Child Protection under All China Lawyers Association held a joint conference on food safety concerns exposed by the Fuyang Milk Powder Scandal. Many experts as well as the media were invited to the conference, and offered helpful suggestions on establishing a comprehensive control system for children’s food safety and quality in China.
In 2004, Tong Lihua acted as a key member on the drafting Committee of the Law on the Protection of Minors, playing a vital role in the legislation process.
In 2004, entrusted by Beijing Youth League, the Children’s Center conducted legislation reform research on the Beijing Enforcement Act on the Juvenile Deliquency Prevention, and was responsible for drafting the first Bill.
In 2009, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Liaoning and Shandong Province,,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2009, entrusted by the Secretary of Social Affairs, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Children’s Center drafted the Bill on the Protection of Street Children.
In 2011, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Qinghai Province,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2011,entrusted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs,the Children’s Center was responsible for drafting the first Bill on the Welfare of Children.
The Children’s Center is currently participating in the expert research on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence Law (Proposal), the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on civil cases involving minors.