推动中国律师行业参与未成年人保护事业Promoting Child’ Protection amongst the Ch


推动中国律师行业参与未成年人保护事业Promoting Child’ Protection amongst the Ch


  Development of the China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers



  In 1999, in order to establish a professional team of child protection lawyers, the Children’s Center set up the “Chinese Network of Children’s Legal Aid Lawyers” (the “Lawyers Network”). The purpose of the Lawyers Network is to provide children whose rights have been infringed with access to professional legal aid lawyers, with the ultimate aim of effective protection of the rights of children around the country. In 2003, the All China Lawyers Association established the Committee on the Protection of Minors (“ACLA-CPM”). This is a public interest committee, with the objective of promoting child protection; the Secretariat is based in the Children’s Center, with Tong Lihua as the Director of the Committee, Zhang Xuemei as Secretary-General

  In 2005, the Lawyers Network was named the “China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers”(CCPNVL) at the All China’s Lawyers Association first annual meeting. In September 2009, 28 provincial levels and 87 city levels lawyers’ associations set up their respective Committees on the Protection of Minors. To date, more than 8000 volunteers participate in this network.





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