陈苏律师应邀参加反家暴网络双月论坛 Ms. Chensu, attorney at law, attented the


陈苏律师应邀参加反家暴网络双月论坛 Ms. Chensu, attorney at law, attented the

2012年6月15日,应反家暴网络邀请,北京青少年法律援助与研究中心陈苏律师参加反家暴网络双月论坛,本次论坛的主题是性别暴力,邀请瑞士日内瓦大学性别研究所、社会学系副教授李霈(Marylene Lieber )女士分享其对巴黎机构处理性别暴力案件的实地调查结果,来自社会组织、高校研究机构等各界与会人员结合中国实际就针对妇女的家庭暴力、性侵害等问题进行交流。

On June 15th, invited by the Anti-Domestic Violence Network(ADVN), Ms. Chensu, attorney at law, attented the anti-domestic violence network bi-monthly forum,the topic was gender violence, Ms. Marylene Lieber , vice professor of the University of Geneva, introduced her filed investigation on gender violence cases handling in Paris, participants from social organizations, universities and insititutes also dicussed China’s legislation and practice on domestic violence, sexual abuse and gender discrimination.


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