北京+20 讲述她/他的故事—项目招标书: 1995年联合国第四次世界妇女大会在北京召开。为了庆祝北京世妇会召开20周年, 福特基金会北京办事处启动了一个资助计划,拟资助10个项目,每个项目不超过25,000美元,资助个人或者机构讲述北京世妇会给他/她们带来的影响。故事可以聚焦90年代初世妇会的筹备,可以聚焦受世妇会的影响而出现的当前妇女运动的趋势和现象,也可以聚焦整个20年. 叙述形式可以是新媒体、纪录片、文学作品、学术或通俗文章、戏剧、艺术、口述史和多媒体等。更多详情请看附件。
Beijing +20 history/herstory – request for proposals
In 1995, the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women was held in Beijing. To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the conference, the Ford Foundation’s Beijing office is offering 10 grants of up to US$25,000 each for individuals or organizations to tell their stories of the impact of the Beijing conference. The stories may focus on preparations for the conference in the early 1990s, or they may be about contemporary trends or phenomena that are influenced by the legacy of the conference, or they may cover the whole period. The stories may be told through new media, documentary, fiction, academic or popular writings, theatre, art, oral history, multimedia or other formats. Please see attached to find out more.