On June 14, 2012, the Vice President of the National Bar Association visited Zhicheng Center to honor Director Tong Lihua for his public service efforts and work with migrant workers rights and youth rights.
2012年6月14日上午,佟丽华主任参加丰台区人大代表联系群众座谈会,会上佟丽华主任进行发言,指出人大代表应该认真履行代表职务,积极反映群众所需, 并强调人大代表工作最大的危险是脱离群众。
On the afternoon of June 13, 2012, Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center held a media forum on the case of Li Jingzhen, a child laborer. The meeting was presided over by the deputy director of the Child Protection Committee, Wang Yiwei. China Youth Daily reporters, Chinese Women reporters, and staff from the Rights and Interests Department of the Communist Youth League participated in the forum. The children’s center lawyers and law school summer interns also participated in the discussion. Tong Lihua, director of the center, first introduced the case. Li Jingzhen then talked about her injury, her rights, and her learning experiences in her hometown; everyone was moved by her pain, her despair, strength and optimism. Director Tong also pointed out that, out of the people with whom we have provided legal aid, Li Jingzhen is the only one who has gone back to school. She provides an important lesson to young people about self-worth and studying hard.
news links:
2012年6月12日下午,应市政法委邀请,佟丽华主任在全市政法综治维稳工作专题研讨班讲课,为60多名来自市人大、政府各部门以及工青妇人民团体的主管领导干部进行“深化社会管理创新 构建维权与维稳新机制”培训。
Leaders of China Women’s University to Visit Zhicheng, Discuss Cooperation
Ms. Tian Xiaomei, Assistant Dean of China Women’s University School of Law, visited the Zhicheng Public Interest Law Building and spoke with Mr. Tong Lihua, Director of Zhicheng Public Interest Law, about women and children’s legal service, cooperation with each other on teaching practice, and institution building. Ms. Zhang Rongli, Associate Professor, Ms. Zhu Xiaofei, Lawyer and Lecturer, Mr. Li Gang, Director of Zilue Law Firm, Ms.Chen Su, Director Assistant, and Ms. Yu Xukun, Rural Area Rule of Law Project Manager, attended the discussion.
2010年,农村法治研究会专门组建了一个由佟丽华会长牵头的研究团队,对农村法治的典型问题进行了专门研究,完成了《小产权房的立法困境与出路》、《农村宅基地房屋买卖问题法律研究》、《农村环境污染现状及法律分析》、《破解农民“违法建设”管理困境 真正实现中国城乡统筹发展》、《有效保障农民土地权益 避免征地矛盾进一步激化》等九个课题。这些研究课题构成了《中国农村法治热点问题研究》一书的主体部分,并由法律出版社于2010年9月份出版,佟丽华会长任主编。2010年9月13日,以该书内容为主题的媒体座谈会召开,新华社、中国青年报、法制日报、检察日报、瞭望周刊杂志社等多家知名媒体参与了座谈讨论。之后《中国青年报》等对该书的研究成果进行了深入报道,《瞭望周刊》9月第39期在“国情国策”篇以《农村困境的法治出路》为题对佟会长的研究成果作了专题报道。
Each migrant worker who qualifies for assistance will be assigned a lawyer from the Migrant Workers’ Center. The appointed lawyer then represents the migrant worker through mediation, arbitration, litigation, and other available channels to protect the migrant worker’s rights and interests. All professional representation is free of charge. From 8 September 2005 to 7 September 2009, the Migrant Workers’ Center resolved 3,798 cases, involving 5963 migrant workers and amounts involved exceeded RMB 47,397,670. The total amount of compensation received by migrant workers through mediation, arbitration and litigation has reached RMB 38,088,146. (Please refer to the graph below).
A Legal aid Lawyer assisting Migrant Workers on Application Procedures.
Mr. Tong Lihua handling a Group Dispute concerning Wages in Arrears, by referral from the Fengtai Department for Letters and Visits on 27 July 2009
Mr. Chen Xing interviewing Client and learning about the Case.
Ms Yu Fan handling a Group Dispute involving Migrant Workers’ Wages in Arrears.
5 June 2009, Mr. Xu Yuling conducting Investigation and Collecting Evidence at a Migrant Worker’s Home, who was injured at a Construction Site in Shunyi District, Beijing.
Ten Years, Ten Cases
1、郭增光讨薪案—— 一月工资五年讨得 传奇民工义务普法
1、Guo Zengguang Case – Five Years to recover One Month’s Wages
Guo Zengguang spent five years recovering one month’s wages in arrears. Three years of hard work finally paid off and our lawyers succeeded in recovering wages for Guo and 67 other migrant workers.
This case was reported by China Youth Daily as a one-page feature, and also quoted in the “Legal Aid Yearly Report 2007”. In 2009, Mr. Guo acted as the migrant workers representative and met Yoo Soon-taek, wife of the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. Mr. Guo now acts as the Migrant Workers’ Center’s volunteer advocacy member.
2、徐延格诉肯德基劳务派遣案——十年劳作一朝解雇 停用派遣惠及众人
2、Xu Yange v KFC Case – Abolishing the Labor Dispatch System
Xu Yange had been working for KFC for 10 years when his contract was terminated in 2005. KFC relied on the fact that Xu signed his contract with the recruitment agency and not directly with KFC, and refused to provide termination payments. With the assistance of and through negotiations with the Migrant Workers’ Center, KFC eventually agreed to provide termination payments to Xu and other labor dispatch workers, and promised not to use the labor dispatch system in China in the future.
There are more than 120,000 KFC employees in China. The new system will help in recovering more than several thousand Yuan for the migrant workers. This case coincided with the formulation of the Labor Contract Law, as well as overseas labor union protests on the Labor Dispatch System.
3、童工于浩案——辍学打工失左臂 律师援助终执行
3、YuHao Case- Child Laborer lost Arm; Lawyers assisted in recovering Work Injury Compensation
YuHao, a 15-year-old boy from Tianjin, dropped out of school and started worked in Beijing. Unfortunately, his left arm was caught in the machine at work and subsequently amputated. Our lawyers filed a lawsuit against the employer, the court held that YuHao was entitled to a compensation of RMB 850,000, including RMB 560,000 for a prosthetic arm to be fitted. After a lengthy litigation process, YuHao received a total of RMB 730,000.
4、 温振其案——两次仲裁三次诉讼 残疾保安艰难维权
4、 Wen Zhenqi Case- Arbitration and Filing of a Lawsuit; Protecting the Interests of a Disabled Security Guard
Wen Zhenqi was the head of a team of security guards in Beijing. In March 2005, he was badly hurt by a drunk colleague whilst on duty. In October 2005, Wen came to the Migrant Workers’ Center for assistance.
In order to recover compensation for Wen, our lawyers commenced two arbitration proceedings and three lawsuit proceedings within three years. The court ordered a compensation of RMB210,000 but the perpetrator was unable to pay up. In 2008, with the assistance of the Migrant Workers’ Center, Wen received financial relief from the Judiciary of RMB130,000.
5、李汉成案——单位吊销断保险 律师援助新待遇
5、Li Hancheng Case- Company Operating License Revoked; Insurance Policy terminated
Li Hancheng suffered severe injuries to his left foot in an accident whilst working in a moving company in Beijing. He received treatment under his company’s health insurance but treatment was subsequently terminated when the operating license of his company was revoked.
Li came to us for help in October 2007. With our assistance, he continued to receive treatment based on the existing insurance policy, becoming the first migrant worker in Beijing to enjoy continuing benefits of a dormant company under the existing social welfare system.
6、 李华意等23人案件——被欠薪反遭驱赶 受援助终得维权
6、Li Huayi Case- Recovery of Wages in Arrears
Li Huayi and 23 others worked in Beijing from April to August in 2005. Not only were they not paid, they were evicted from their work premises. In August 2008, they appealed to the Migrant Workers’ Center for help.
The angry migrant workers went to the Fengtai Government to protest, but were dissuaded to continue such protests by our lawyers. Through mediation, we helped recover a total of RMB20,000 wages in arrears for these workers, and a further RMB33,976 in subsequent litigation.
7、 温婉春等41案件——二审改判惠及40民工 专业素养判例形成
7、Wen Wanchun Case- Favorable Second Instance Court Hearing; Impact on Future Cases
Mr Wen and his 40 others were unpaid for their work done in Shenzhen decoration company in February 2006; wages left in arrears amounted to over 180,000. In October 2006, the First Instance Court held that the labor contractor, who did not have any financial capacity, to be fully responsible for these wages, and the decoration company, whilst in full financial capacity, was only responsible for RMB20,000 of the payment.
With our unremitting efforts, the Second Instance Court reversed the First Instance Judgment , holding the decoration company solely liable for the wages in arrears. This case had a huge positive impact on subsequent wages in arrears cases.
8、孔庆春等18人案件——奥运前夕激愤讨薪 子夜会诊化解危机
8、Kong Qingchun Case – Migrant Workers seeking Payment of Wages on the Eve of the Olympic Games; Resolving Problems Overnight
On 7 August 2008, just one day before Beijing Olympic Games, Kong Qingchun and other migrant workers arrived at the Migrant Workers’ Center together with their contractors and demanded that payment for their work performed be paid immediately, or they will stage a protest at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.
In order to resolve their problems as soon as possible, our lawyers worked solidly for two days and nights. The problem was resolved in time on 9 August 2009 – all 18 migrant workers recovered their wages and an embarrassing protest avoided.
9、贾洪亮等32人案件——信访来电急盼协助 律师驰援讨回欠薪
9、Jia Hongliang Case – Request for Help from Fengtai District Government; Lawyers assisted in Recovery of Wages in Arrears
Jia Hongliang and his 31 fellow villagers came to work in Beijing, but were left with RMB10,000 worth of credit notes when they completed their contracted work. Jia and several other villages returned to Beijing on numerous occasions seeking for payment of their wages. In July 2009, out of desperation, Jia and a few others gathered in front of Fengtai District Government, demanding for help. Fengtai District Government immediately notified us and requested for our assistance.
We immediately arrived at the scene to provide assistance. Our lawyers carried out investigations and collected evidence, held negotiations with various employers, and recovered close to RMB70,000 wages in arrears for the migrant workers within the same month.
10、赵立红等118人案件——高效援助显正义 执行和解保权利
10、Zhao Lihong Case – Effective Assistance to achieve Justice; Mediation to Protect Rights
In July 2008, Zhao Lihong and other 117 migrant workers came to the Migrant Workers’ Center for assistance as they were not paid for their work. In September, the Labor Arbitration Center held that a total of RMB5.2 million was owed to the 118 migrant workers.
The case was subsequently resolved through mediation, and the 118 migrant workers received a total of RMB 3million. This is the largest case on wages in arrears at the Migrant Workers’ Center.
The Children’s Center provides dedicated legal aid services to underprivileged children – those whose rights have been infringed and do not have the means to find legal representation. As of June 2009, the Children’s Center has successfully settled more than 260 cases involving minors, including cases involving child laborers, sexually assaulted victims, criminal litigation, child support payments, child guardianship, serious personal injuries and many others.
Ten Years, Ten Cases.
1、 烟草诉讼——律师公益诉讼,官方主动发文
1、Litigation against Tobacco Companies; Government issued Official Regulation
In 2001, the Children’s Center launched
a nationwide litigation against the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau and the 24 largest domestic tobacco companies. It was submitted that these companies concealed the truth about the negative effects of tobacco in their advertisements and promotions. The case attracted wide media attention home and abroad.
The litigation process resulted in the State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau issuing an official document requiring tobacco companies to publish smoking hazard notices on their websites, and displaying the sign “Prohibition of Sale of Tobacco to Minors" at their sales counters.
2、 高攀案——未成年人获死刑,上书建议最高院收回死刑核准权
2、GaoPan Case- Child Death Penalty Case; Petition to the Supreme Court on Death Penalty Reform
GaoPan, from Hebei Province, was convicted of robbery and sentenced to death at the Provincial Court. In his appeal, he stated that he was under 18 when he committed the crime. However, Hebei Province Supreme People’s Court maintained the decision, and GaoPan was executed on 8 March 2004.
Our lawyers collected a large amount of evidence proving that GaoPan was under 18 when he committed the crime. The Children’s Center Director Tong Lihua submitted a written statement to the National People’s Congress, petitioning the Supreme Court to recall the death penalty review power from provincial and county level courts. At the same time, the widespread attention in this case had positive influence on another similar case where another juvenile offender, Dong Yazhou was given a commuted death sentence, subject to review in two years.
3、 李景贞案——最高法指定再审,三年申诉终赔偿
3、Li Jingzhen Case- Retrial ordered by the Supreme People’s Court; Victim recovered Compensation after a Three-Year Litigation Process
Li Jingzhen, a 17 year old girl from Shandong province, was injured at work due to fatigue caused by overworking and lost her right arm. The Court held that the employer was to assume full liability for such injuries, but the power companyas landlord was relieved of all third party responsibilities. The employer, however, was unable to fulfill his financial obligations. With the help of the Children’s Center, Beijing Municipal Higher People’s Court held a retrial of the case, and allotted financial responsibilities to the power company; Li Jingzhen received a total compensation of RMB 200,000 from the company. In addition, because of the widespread media attention, Li received a large number of donations, was fitted with a prosthetic arm and returned to school in her hometown.
4、 吕萍案——危在旦夕得手术,艰难诉讼获赔偿
4、Lu Ping Case- Life-Saving Surgery; Compensation recovered after a Complicated Lawsuit
Lu Ping, a 16-year old boy, was working in a private nursery when he was electrocuted and suffered burns on 80% of his body. His employer refused to bear the costs of the surgery, putting his life in immediate danger. Tong Lihua and Zhang Xuemei, Director and Deputy Director of the Children’s Center respectively, rushed to the hospital upon learning about the case, and successfully persuaded the hospital to operate on the boy, free of charge, saving his life.
With our lawyers’ hard work and two difficult trials, Lu Ping eventually claimed more than RMB 500,000 compensation.
5、 李先超案——快速调解获赔偿,媒体座谈起反响
5、Li Xianchao Case- Timely Compensation recovered through Mediation; Widely received by the Media
Li Xianchao, a 15 year old boy, forced to leave school due to financial difficulties at home, was working in a laundromat in Beijing when his arm was caught in the machine and injured. The company compensated him a mere RMB 100,000. Driving four hours in the snow, our lawyers traveled to the workplace to negotiate directly with the employer. Through mediation, the employer agreed and promptly delivered a compensation RMB250,000 to Li the next day.
The Children’s Center subsequently held a press conference on this and other related child labour injury cases, raising awareness of the issue.
6、 小龙寻求国家监护案——十岁儿童落流浪,民政部门来监护
6、Xiao Long Case- State Guardianship; Civil Affairs Depertments assumed Full Responsibility
Xiao Long, a 10-year-old boy in Beijing, fatherless with a severely disabled mother, was put in the Beijing Center for Street Children, a state-run temporary shelter for street children. After lengthy negotiations, the local civil affairs departments eventually agreed to act as Xiao Long’s guardian, and admitted him to the children’s home where he could stay permanently, receive education and other social welfare benefits.
The case also played an important role in the legislative process. Article 15 of Beijing Regulations on the Protection of Minors now states that the Government or Ministry of Civil Affairs must assume responsibility of all homeless children.
7、 小官继承案――驰援追讨巨额遗产 建议完善继承制度
7、Xiaoguan Inheritance Case- Recovery of Large Inheritance; Recommendations made to Improvements to the Inheritance System
Businessmen Mr. Guan passed away in January 2002. 7 year old Xiaoguan, is his son from Mr. Guan’s third marriage to Ms. Qiu. Ms. Qiu filed a lawsuit to the Chengdu Intermediate People’s Court on behalf of her son Xiaoguan, demanding for Xiaoguan’s entitlement to his inheritance. Our lawyer went to Sichuan for three times, collected a lot of evidence and secured a large inheritance of around RMB800,000.
After the case was settled, we wrote a research thesis making recommendations on improvements to the inheritance system to protect the child rights.
8、 小皓户口案——非婚生子没户口,律师援助有身份
8、 Xiaohao Household Registration (hukou) Case- Gaining Identity through Legal Aid
Xiaohao was born out of wedlock, abandoned by his parents at a young age, and brought up by a kindly grandmother. His mother refused to register his household account, and Xiaohao was therefore forced to leave school.
We negotiated with various departments, including the police, neighborhood housing committees, sub-district offices and family planning offices. Three years of hard work finally paid off when Xiaohao managed to register his hukou, obtained his identification card, and received RMB310,000 as maintenance fees from his mother.
9、 教师语言暴力案——学生遭语言暴力 律师调解获赔偿
9、Verbal Abuse by Teacher – Student Successfully claimed Compensation.
Xiaochen suffered from serious psychological damage caused by long term verbal abuse by his head teacher from the age of 10. His school initially agreed to pay the costs of long-term medical treatment but stopped payments after three years. Through our efforts, the school eventually compensated Xiaochen for RMB100,000.
Based on this case, we conducted extensive research on verbal abuse by teachers and the psychological effects on children, and made recommendations on amendments to the existing legislation accordingly.
10、Xiao Tian Case – Psychological Counseling Made Available and Criminal Record Sealed
Xiaotian was 17 when he assaulted a taxi driver and a passerby whilst under the influence of alcohol, and was subsequently charged. Our lawyers mitigated on his behalf, submitting that he committed the act due to his damaged and complicated past. We also recommended Xiaotian to receive psychological counseling and the sealing of his criminal record. The court accept both recommendations.
The Migrant Workers’ Center established the “Migrant Worker Weekend Legal Education School” on 26 April 2006. The lawyers visit construction sites on weekends and educate migrant workers on their rights. These visits provide migrant workers with important legal knowledge enabling them to protect their own interests. Using specific cases as examples, the lawyers also teach them how to collect evidence, how to protect their rights and interests through legal means, thereby enhancing their awareness of rights protection.
Inauguration Ceremony of the Advocacy Station for Migrant Workers
Wang Yongfeng and Li Songchen conducting Legal Training for Migrant Workers on 14 November 2009
Zhao Qiang using his Weekend to conduct Legal Training for Migrant Workers.
In order to further safeguard migrant workers’ rights, the Migrant Workers’ Center pays particular emphasis on training full-time lawyers for migrant workers, university students and volunteers interested in migrant workers’ rights protection, so that they too can provide legal aid to migrant workers. Our lawyers give lectures at universities and participate in university education seminars. To date, hundreds of workshops have been organized by legal aid lawyers.
Shi Fumao giving a Lecture to Full-time Migrant Workers Lawyers in the Capacity-Building Training Sessions
The First Training Session for Volunteer Legal Aid Lawyers in Sichuan province on 17 September 2007
Lecture Summary Table of Lawyer Shi Fumao
Director Tong Lihua delivering Legal Training and distributing Contacts Cards of the Migrant Workers’ Center on the Special Train organized by National Federation of Trade Unions, receiving a Warm Welcome from Migrant Workers.
Shi Fumao delivering Legal Training at the Olympic Games Construction Site
International Recognition
International Visitors
Yoo Soon-taek, wife of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon presenting a gift to Mr. Tong Lihua on 24 July 2009,
Visit from Helen Clark, Director-General of the United Nations Development Programme and former Prime Minister of New Zealand on 28 November 2009
On 30 July 2009, Director Tong Lihua and Zhang Wenjuan introducing the work of the Migrant Workers’ Center to the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) on 30 July 2009
Visit from Mr. Bob Rae and Olivia Chaw, members of the Canadian Parliament on 11 May 2009
Assistant Administrator of UNDP visiting the Migrant Workers’ Center on 11 July 2009 and enquiring about the situation of the injured migrant workers.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights visiting the Migrant Workers’ Center on 30 August 2005, and greeted by the migrant workers.
Shi Fumao, Zhang Wenjuan and Wang Fang receiving the legal aid delegation of teachers and students from the University of Oslo, Norway.
The United Nations Association of China and the delegation of California mayor visiting the Migrant Workers’ Center.
Lawyer Tong Lihua receiving the Swiss Ambassador to China
Foreign Exchanges
Tong Lihua delivering a Lecture on the Development of Public Interest Law in China at Yale Law School in 2008
Tong Lihua delivering a Lecture on Sino-US Juvenile Justice System at Boston University.
Tong Lihua delivering a Lecture on the Development of Public Interest Law in China at Columbia University.
Zhang Wenjuan delivering a Lecture on the Development of Public Interest Law in China at Yale University in 2006
Zhang Wenjuan participating in the Review of Geneva’s Performance Report on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)
Director Tong Lihua visiting the Children’s Law Center of American Bar Association on 22 February 2005. (from left to right, Mr. Mark Hardin, Senior Counsel of the ABA Children’s Law Center; Tong Lihua; Mr. Howard Davidson, Director of the ABA Children’s Law Center)
Zhang Xuemei visiting Ireland
Zhang Wenjuan, Shi Fumao, Wang Fang and other Local Civil Organizations participating in the "Treaty Mechanisms Training" held by United Nations OHCHR in September 2009.
Shi Fumao and Mr. Curtis, Director of US Department of Labor
Han Jingjing and Mr. David Robson, Director of International Cooperation Bureau of Australian Human Rights Commission, at the Closing Ceremony of China-Australia Dialogue on Human Rights Technical Co-operation Project in October 2009.
Raising Awareness of the Concept and Knowledge on the Protection of Children
Lawyers from the Children’s Center have actively participated in advocacy work in local communities, schools, juvenile detention centers, giving talks and educational workshops. For example, in 2004, we established the “Advocacy in Schools Program”, allowing our lawyers to conduct advocacy work in schools, instructing schools to use the law within their school systems, thereby preventing and reducing the number of minors committing crimes and safety hazards.
Ms. Zhang Xuemei participating in advocacy work aimed at migrant workers’ children at nine different migrant workers’ children’s schools in Chaoyang Districy, Beijing.
Lawyers at an advocacy work seminar as part of the “Advocacy in Schools Program”
Through lectures and seminars on the protection of minors and prevention of crimes, The Children’s Center has trained numerous professionals in this field. Direct training has been provided to the police, judges, prosecutors, lawyers, youth groups, women’s and children’s groups, government officials, primary and secondary schools headmasters and teachers, volunteers, journalists and people from different sectors involved with child-related work. Lawyers from the Children’s Center have conducted more than 300 seminars, trained more than 100,000 persons from over 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government.
Mr. Tong Lihua conducting Training for Government Officials on Minors’ Rights Protection in Western China
Ms. Zhang Xuemei giving a Lecture to Officials from the Working Committees of Women and Children on the county and district levels
Ms. Zhang Wenjuan giving a Lecture to Directors of Children Social Welfare Oorganizations in the Country
Table of Lectures by Tong Lihua
Table of Lectures by Zhang Xuemei
Table of Lectures by Zhang Wenjuan
授课时间 | 授课律师 | 授课对象 | 授课内容 |
2009年10月21日 | 佟丽华 | 西南政法大学法学论坛 | 中国公益法的发展和挑战 |
2009年11月23日 | 张雪梅 | 中国政法大学青少年越轨社会学诊所学生 | 未成年人刑事犯罪案件的社会实践 |
2009年12月29日 | 张雪梅 | 联合国儿基会宋庆龄基金会在辽宁北陵儿童倡导项目 | 儿童与法律 |
2010年5月27日 | 张雪梅 | 中国政法大学刑事法律援助诊所为学生 | 少年司法制度的国际标准和国内实践 |
2010年6月8日 | 佟丽华 | 河南省洛阳市检察官、律师 | 中国少年司法的发展和检察机关改革空间 |
2010年7月28日 | 佟丽华 | 全市少年庭法官 | 当前未成年人权益保护中的热点问题 |
2010年9月1日、3日 | 张雪梅 | 2所学校全体师生 | 开学法制教育 |
2010年10月15日 | 张雪梅 | 河北省宽城县全县中小学校长 | 法制教育 |
2010年10月18日 | 张雪梅 | 丰台实验学校初二和高二学生 | 法制教育 |
2010年10月27日 | 张雪梅 | 八宝山街道 | 普法讲座 |
2010年11月12日 | 张文娟 | 北京工业大学校社会学系学生 | 法律类民间组织的发展 |
2011年1月18日 | 张雪梅 | 北京工贸学院服务分院的全体教师 | 普法讲座 |
2011年5月16日 | 张文娟 | 河南郑州对全国百名福利院院长 | 儿童福利视野下的孤儿监护 |
2011年5月19日 | 张文娟 | 海淀区人民检察院举办的“少年检察和司法保护培训研讨会” | 美国少年司法探索的经验教训及对中国的启示 |
2011年5月26日 | 佟丽华 | 北京大学法学院人权与人道法研究中心 | 中国公益律师培训 |
2011年6月12日 | 佟丽华 | 武汉大学社会弱者权利保护中心在武汉召开的“第二届公益法的理论与实务研修班” | 公益法的理论与实务 |
2011年5月4日 | 张雪梅、赵辉 | 丰台街道南开西里社区 | 普法讲座和咨询活动 |
2011年7月28日 | 张文娟 | 在北京为来自江苏扬中市和宁波四中的中小学班主任 | 中小学校园伤害事故的预防和处理 |
2011年8月16日 | 张文娟 | 在北京为来自香港的社区义工 | 中国儿童福利发展政策 |
2011年9月1日 | 张雪梅 | 北京技师工贸学院服装管理分院新生 | 普法讲座 |
2011年11月28日 | 张文娟 | 来自江苏全省名参与优秀青少年维权岗的创建单位的代表 | 社会热点问题所折射的未成年人保护困境 |
2011年11月23日 | 张文娟 | 西城区小学德育主任和来自公、检、法、司、交的法制副校长 | 中小学校园伤害纠纷的处理与预防” |
2011年12月6日 | 张文娟 | 福利院院长和民政系统收养工作负责人 | 监护制度与儿童福利 |
2012年1月11日 | 张雪梅 | 北京工贸技师学院管理分院全校教职员工 | 职业学校安全管理 |
2012年2月24日 | 张雪梅 | 重庆律协未保委组织的业务培训 | 未成年人保护的前沿法律问题 |
2012年2月24日 | 张文娟 | 英国救助儿童会来自各地的项目负责人 | 中国儿童保护政策 |
2012年4月4日 | 张文娟 | 来自耶鲁大学法学院的师生 | 公益法与儿童保护 |
2012 年4月10日 | 张文娟 | 来自哈佛大学法学院师生 | 中国公益法发展 |
2012年4月26日 | 佟丽华 | 在延庆为北京市检察机关的检察官 | 检察业务培训 |
2012年5月11日 | 张雪梅 | 四川成都四川律协未保委委员 | 律师参与未成年年保护工作的培训 |
2012年6月27日 | 张雪梅 | 云岗小学六年级师生。 | 讲解法制课 |
Promoting the Establishment of National Cooperative Network for Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection; Fostering the First Generation of Full-time Migrant Workers’ Lawyers.
In order to mobilize broad participation of lawyers in migrant workers legal aid work, so as to protect more migrant workers’ legal rights and interests, the Migrant Workers’ Center established a national cooperative network for migrant workers coordinated by full-time lawyers and participated by volunteer lawyers. This network was established with the support of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Commerce, financed by the Legal Aid Foundation of China and the UNDP, with efforts of the All China Lawyers Association and the Bar Association of different provinces. It includes a wide range of coverage, and fostered the first generation of full-time migrant workers’ lawyers.
Lawyers at a seminar held during a project vist to the legal aid station in Shaanxi.
UNDP visits the Shaanxi Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection Station.
Sichuan Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Station
Sichuan Work Station holding a Training Session for Volunteer Lawyers in Sichuan Province.
Lawyers receiving the Visiting Migrant Workers.
Jiangxi Advising Center for Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection
Migrant Workers’ Lawyers raising awareness of the Importance of Migrant Workers Rights Protection and Relevant Laws at a Construction Site
Chongqing Reservoir Area of Three Gorges Advising Center for Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection
Distribution of leaflets on relevant legal information
The first migrant workers’ day in Chongqing
Shanxi Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Station
Study Tour of the State Administration for Migrant Workers at the Shanxi Province Migrant Workers Legal Aid Station on 30 November 2009, led by Mr. Han Henlin, the Ministry of Justice party member and Head of Central Discipline Inspection Commission in the Ministry of Justice
Staff in Shanxi Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Station receiving Migrant Workers.
Gansu Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection Station
Lu Yongzheng, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and Wang Yongqing, Secretary of the Communist Youth League in Gansu visiting the Station and giving them high praise.
Lawyers giving Legal Advice to Migrant Workers.
Ningxia Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Station
Lawyers distributing Legal Aid Materials to Migrant Workers
Shaanxi Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection Station
A Legal Aid Work Station
Songrong learning about a Case at a Construction Site
Shandong Migrant Workers’ Rights Protection Station
Deputy Chief of Shandong provincial Department of Justice and Deputy Chief of Shandong provincial Lawyers Association attending the Opening Ceremony of the Shandong Legal Aid Work Station
Lawyers and Volunteers providing Legal Advice and distributing Publicity Materials for Migrant Workers at a Construction Site.
Hebei Shijiazhuang Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid Center.
Zhaodacheng, the Deputy Chief of the Department of Justice visiting the Migrant Workers’ Rights Center.
Liqiang receiving Representatives of the Migrant Workers, Yan Yunjian and Liu Shantao. The case was reported by Shandong legal newspaper.
中心设立了专门咨询热线:010-57790697,网址:www.criminallegalaid.org (刑事法援网)
陈光中、樊崇义 、卞建林 、杨宇冠 、于志刚、陈卫东 、宋英辉、冀祥德、张泽涛、种松志、安凤德、蓝向东、田文昌、张燕生、张青松、许兰亭
经过三年的快速发展, 研究会已经获得了来自社会各界的广泛肯定。凭借其优异的工作表现,研究会于今年4月份被评为首届市法学会系统“优秀研究组织”,研究会秘书长张文娟同志同时荣获“优秀个人”称号。外界的肯定与鼓励将成为研究会发展的巨大动力,研究会将继续秉承“服务农村法治 维护农民权益”的理念,为首都和谐稳定建设及国家涉农立法政策完善做出积极贡献。
2010年7月、8月,研究会与委员会等多家单位合作,在河北、陕西开展了两场“服务农村法治 维护农民权益”交流研讨会,来自全国100多家的县级律师事务所主任及律师参加了此次研讨,律师们对涉农领域的热点问题进行了深入交流,并初步搭建了以基层律师事务所为依托的涉农法律服务网络。
2011年9月17日,研究会与委员会合作,在京召开“处理涉农纠纷经验交流会”,全国律协副秘书长里红出席了此次会议并作了重要讲话。除研究会会长、秘书长以及部分常务理事和理事参会以外,陕西、河北、江苏、内蒙古和贵州等9个省份的30余名县域律师和北京地区的10余名律师也参与了此次研讨。与会人员围绕律师在服务农村法治、维护农民权益中能够发挥的作用及面临的挑战、成功化解涉农纠纷经验的总结及推广和农村宅基地及农民住宅的研究等若干问题展开了热烈讨论。在本次交流会中,里红副秘书长及佟丽华会长积极倡导律师参与到“推进农村法治 维护农民权益”的进程当中来,鼓励大家为“三农”建设提供更多的经验和建议,得到了参会代表的热烈响应。
2010年,农村法治研究会专门组建了一个由佟丽华会长牵头的研究团队,对农村法治的典型问题进行了专门研究,完成了《小产权房的立法困境与出路》、《农村宅基地房屋买卖问题法律研究》、《农村环境污染现状及法律分析》、《破解农民“违法建设”管理困境 真正实现中国城乡统筹发展》、《有效保障农民土地权益 避免征地矛盾进一步激化》等九个课题。这些研究课题构成了《中国农村法治热点问题研究》一书的主体部分,并由法律出版社于2010年9月份出版,佟丽华会长任主编。2010年9月13日,以该书内容为主题的媒体座谈会召开,新华社、中国青年报、法制日报、检察日报、瞭望周刊杂志社等多家知名媒体参与了座谈讨论。之后《中国青年报》等对该书的研究成果进行了深入报道,《瞭望周刊》9月第39期在“国情国策”篇以《农村困境的法治出路》为题对佟会长的研究成果作了专题报道。
The Migrant Workers’ Center conducts in-depth research on problems that emerge from its cases and as well as the existing flaws in the current labor laws related to migrant workers. In this way, the Migrant Workers’ Center contributes to improving China’s laws and policies. To date, the Migrant Workers’ Center has published the following books: “How to Draw Up Labor Contracts”, “How to Demand My Well-earned Wages”, and “Who Took Their Rights – Analyses of Cases Concerning Migrant Worker’s Legal Rights in China”. We have also published the “Annual Report on Migrant Workers” as well as three other reports on industrial injury case analysis, wages in arrears case analysis, and collective case analyses. The Chinese government gives high regards to the Migrant Worker’s Center’s research findings and reports.
Development of the China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers
In 1999, in order to establish a professional team of child protection lawyers, the Children’s Center set up the “Chinese Network of Children’s Legal Aid Lawyers” (the “Lawyers Network”). The purpose of the Lawyers Network is to provide children whose rights have been infringed with access to professional legal aid lawyers, with the ultimate aim of effective protection of the rights of children around the country. In 2003, the All China Lawyers Association established the Committee on the Protection of Minors (“ACLA-CPM”). This is a public interest committee, with the objective of promoting child protection; the Secretariat is based in the Children’s Center, with Tong Lihua as the Director of the Committee, Zhang Xuemei as Secretary-General
In 2005, the Lawyers Network was named the “China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers”(CCPNVL) at the All China’s Lawyers Association first annual meeting. In September 2009, 28 provincial levels and 87 city levels lawyers’ associations set up their respective Committees on the Protection of Minors. To date, more than 8000 volunteers participate in this network.
Promotion and Participation in the Legislation Process
“Direct individual legal aid can only help protect a few children, but a comprehensive legal system can adequately protect thousands of children. Since the founding of our center, we have been actively involved in the legislation of child law.”——Tong Lihua
Director Tong Lihua at the seminar on Law on Protection of Minors held by Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs of the National People’s Congress
In 2002, Director Tong Lihua was entrusted by to draft the first draft of the Beijing Act on Children’s Protection. As a member of the Working Drafting Committee, Mr. Tong participated in the entire legislation process.
In 2003, the Children’s Center was entrusted by the Central Youth League to conduct legislation reform research on the enforcement of the PRC Law on Protection of Minors.
In July 2003, Tong Lihua presented an article, “Studies on Street Children” at a seminar held at the Children’s Center of China, and received attention from society at large. China New Agency further conducted a featured interview with Mr. Tong; Chinese Premier Mr. Wen Jiabao responded to this interview, requesting all relevant government departments to put particular emphasis on the issue and study the defects of the existing street children assistance system.
In April 2004, the Children’s Center and the Special Committee of Child Protection under All China Lawyers Association held a joint conference on food safety concerns exposed by the Fuyang Milk Powder Scandal. Many experts as well as the media were invited to the conference, and offered helpful suggestions on establishing a comprehensive control system for children’s food safety and quality in China.
In 2004, Tong Lihua acted as a key member on the drafting Committee of the Law on the Protection of Minors, playing a vital role in the legislation process.
In 2004, entrusted by Beijing Youth League, the Children’s Center conducted legislation reform research on the Beijing Enforcement Act on the Juvenile Deliquency Prevention, and was responsible for drafting the first Bill.
In 2009, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Liaoning and Shandong Province,,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2009, entrusted by the Secretary of Social Affairs, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Children’s Center drafted the Bill on the Protection of Street Children.
In 2011, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Qinghai Province,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2011,entrusted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs,the Children’s Center was responsible for drafting the first Bill on the Welfare of Children.
The Children’s Center is currently participating in the expert research on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence Law (Proposal), the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on civil cases involving minors.
Development of the China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers
In 1999, in order to establish a professional team of child protection lawyers, the Children’s Center set up the “Chinese Network of Children’s Legal Aid Lawyers” (the “Lawyers Network”). The purpose of the Lawyers Network is to provide children whose rights have been infringed with access to professional legal aid lawyers, with the ultimate aim of effective protection of the rights of children around the country. In 2003, the All China Lawyers Association established the Committee on the Protection of Minors (“ACLA-CPM”). This is a public interest committee, with the objective of promoting child protection; the Secretariat is based in the Children’s Center, with Tong Lihua as the Director of the Committee, Zhang Xuemei as Secretary-General
In 2005, the Lawyers Network was named the “China Child Protection Network of Volunteer Lawyers”(CCPNVL) at the All China’s Lawyers Association first annual meeting. In September 2009, 28 provincial levels and 87 city levels lawyers’ associations set up their respective Committees on the Protection of Minors. To date, more than 8000 volunteers participate in this network.
<P> 2012年6月5日,佟丽华主任参加搜狐网络访谈,主题为防止儿童故意伤害。其间,佟主任对儿童故意伤害问题背后的社会原因进行了深刻的剖析,并呼吁家庭、学校、社会、政府等和儿童紧密联系的群体,能够明确自己的职责,从而降低儿童伤害事件的发生。</P>
The New Start Program for Child Victims (the “Program”) was set up in September 2006, aimed at providing financial assistance to children from impoverished families, and those whose rights have been violated and could not receive adequate compensation. This program helps these children to re-establish the will and confidence,allowing for a new start to their lives.
Since its establishment, the Program has provided support and benefited close to 300 children, including orphans, child laborers, sexual abuse victims, injured school children and other severe personal injury victims. The beneficiaries came from different provinces around the country, including Szechuan, Guizhou, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Anhui, Henan, Qinghai, Ningxia and nine other provinces. Financial support was used mainly for education, professional vocational training, psychological counseling, and necessary medical help.
Five cases from the Program:
1. Parents imprisoned for Drug Abuse; Gifted Daughter gained Admission to Law School
In 2004, 17 year old Fu, whilst in her last year of high school, was notified that her father had been taken into the detention center due to drug abuse, and her mother was imprisoned for drug dealing. Despite her family mishaps and difficulties, Fu continued to study hard at school.
On learning about her situation, the Children’s Center took into consideration of Fu’s hardship, and provided the necessary financial support for her final year of high school. Fu was so moved when she received the funding, she could not hold back her tears. Fu subsequently gained admission to one of Beijing’s top law schools.
2、父亲遇害身亡 地震灾区姐弟获资助
2. Father Murdered, Szechuan Earthquake Zone Siblings granted Assistance
Luo and her brother were students in a Szechuan middle school. On 3 August 2007, their father was robbed and murdered in Beijing. His perpetrators were sentenced to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of RMB310,000 but were unable to afford such compensation as their respective families were from rural areas with no source of income.
During the trial, Szechuan was hit by a strong earthquake, the Luo siblings’ home was also affected. By the time the perpetrators were sentenced, the Luo family home had already collapsed in the earthquake. The siblings’ grandparents were elderly and ailing, and the whole family relied on their mother’s meager RMB800 monthly salary for survival.
The Children’s Center took into account of their special circumstances, and decided to grant RMB2000 to each of the siblings, exceeding the usual limit of RMB1000 per person. The family received a total subsidy of RMB4000. Upon receiving the grant, Luo’s mother responded emotionally, “I had already lost all hope, and did not think there were people who cared about us. With this grant, I will bring up my children, no matter how difficult life is!”
3. Sponsoring Emergency Surgery for Sanlu Milk Powder Victim
Two year old Xiao Jiang, was fed Sanlu milk powder ever since he was a baby. Both parents are farmers from Linggao County in Hainan Province. His mother suffers from mental illness and they live with Jiang’s deaf and dumb 70 year old grandmother. In August 2007, Xiao Jiang began to have difficulties urinating, and despite numerous times of hospitalization and treatment, showed no signs of improvement and his condition worsened. In September 2008, Xiao Jiang was transferred to Haikou City Hospital for treatment, the doctors found kidney stones in both kidneys as well as kidney fluids. Taking into account Xiao Jiang’s family background and health condition, the Hainan government provided financial assistance for one surgery – removing three stones from his right kidney. Unable to afford medical expenses, Xiao Jiang could not receive a second surgery on his left kidney, and his condition improved little.
The Children’s Center took into account Xiao Jiang’s family’s financial difficulties, his immediate need for surgery, and the lack of compensation from Sanlu, and granted RMB2000 to him. Xiao Jiang has now undergone his second sugery and recovering well.
4. Orphaned girl received assistance
Single mother Ma picked garbage for a living. Her daughter, 13 year old Xiao Yan was sensible, studied hard and lived up to her mother’s expectations. Ma lost her job when the government closed down the garbage dump last year. Xiao Yan was forced to leave school to work in a restaurant, and mother and daughter relied on a mere RMB300 monthly salary for survival. The neighbors were very fond of them, and tried to provide assistance in many ways. Tragically, Ma was beaten to death by his brother and Xiao Yan became an orphan.
The Children’s Center learnt of Xiao Yan’s situation through the Qinghai Youth League, and decided to grant her RMB2000. Some kind-hearted people have expressed their willingness to provide financial support for Xiao Yan’s education; the Children’s Center has passed on such encouragement to Xiao Yan through Qinghai Youth League, and is currently liaising with the relevant government departments to resolve Xiao Yan’s household registration, social welfare subsidy and other problems, providing assistance for her basic survival.
5. Sexual abuse Victim falls into Depression, New Start Program brings back warmth to the soul
Between Spring 2006 to November 2006, 12 year old Xiao Qian was seduced repeatedly in exchange for pocket money by villager 71 year old Wang Dianen and his 18 year old grandson Wang Li. Xiao Qian’s father was made aware of this situation when he discovered Xiao Qian had extra money and questioned her. On 9 December 2006, Xiao Qian’s father reported the case to the police, but due to the lack of evidence, no charges were made and the two suspects walked free.
Xiao Qian subsequently left school and sank into depression at home. The Children’s Center learnt of Xiao Qian’s unfortunate circumstances: Xiao Qian’s mother died when she was less than a year old; her grandmother is mentally retarded; her family lives in poverty in a mud hut; her father, hit by all these misfortunes, is in poor form. The Children’s Center decided to grant RMB1000 to Xiao Qian, to encourage her to face her problems and live life positively. We have learnt that Xiao Qian is now better and improving slowly.
Since its establishment, the Children’s Center has placed particular emphasis on media relations, working with the media to raise awareness of the concept of minors’ rights protection to society at large and to educate them on their legal rights. In May 2003, the Children’s Center established the “China Child Protection Media Support Network”. This network enables the Children’s Center and the media to work in collaboration to enhance child protection work in China.
The Children’s Center has cooperated with various media outlets to advocate child protection work, and has been interviewed for over 1000 times, including CCTV, CCTV Broadcasting Channel, China Radio International, China Education Channel, China Youth Daily, Legal Daily, China Education Daily, Secondary School Science Daily, Kindergarten Education News, Beijing Youth Daily.
The Children’s Center first started publishing its newsletter “For Children – Protecting Minors’ Rights” in March 2001. In October 2004, the Children’s Center transformed this newsletter into a published magazine named “China Lawyers and the Protection of Minors”, published bi-monthly, and distributed free of charge to lawyers, relevant government officials, judiciary workers, non-governmental organizations, the media and other related and interested professional parties.
In order to facilitate the exchange of information and relevant work experience, the Children’s Center created a website in 2001 called the “Information Center for Minors’ Rights Protection” (www.iiccp.org), and changed its name to “the Chinese Juvenile Rights Protection Center” (www.chinachild.org) in 2003. This new website contains the most updated information and news on the minors’ protection work, providing a useful reference point to all those working in this field.
Promotion and Participation in the Legislation Process
“Direct individual legal aid can only help protect a few children, but a comprehensive legal system can adequately protect thousands of children. Since the founding of our center, we have been actively involved in the legislation of child law.”——Tong Lihua
Director Tong Lihua at the seminar on Law on Protection of Minors held by Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs of the National People’s Congress
In 2002, Director Tong Lihua was entrusted by to draft the first draft of the Beijing Act on Children’s Protection. As a member of the Working Drafting Committee, Mr. Tong participated in the entire legislation process.
In 2003, the Children’s Center was entrusted by the Central Youth League to conduct legislation reform research on the enforcement of the PRC Law on Protection of Minors.
In July 2003, Tong Lihua presented an article, “Studies on Street Children” at a seminar held at the Children’s Center of China, and received attention from society at large. China New Agency further conducted a featured interview with Mr. Tong; Chinese Premier Mr. Wen Jiabao responded to this interview, requesting all relevant government departments to put particular emphasis on the issue and study the defects of the existing street children assistance system.
In April 2004, the Children’s Center and the Special Committee of Child Protection under All China Lawyers Association held a joint conference on food safety concerns exposed by the Fuyang Milk Powder Scandal. Many experts as well as the media were invited to the conference, and offered helpful suggestions on establishing a comprehensive control system for children’s food safety and quality in China.
In 2004, Tong Lihua acted as a key member on the drafting Committee of the Law on the Protection of Minors, playing a vital role in the legislation process.
In 2004, entrusted by Beijing Youth League, the Children’s Center conducted legislation reform research on the Beijing Enforcement Act on the Juvenile Deliquency Prevention, and was responsible for drafting the first Bill.
In 2009, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Liaoning and Shandong Province,,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2009, entrusted by the Secretary of Social Affairs, Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Children’s Center drafted the Bill on the Protection of Street Children.
In 2011, upon invitation from the group provincial party committee of Qinghai Province,the Children’s Center made recommendations to the local governments on the drafting of laws on the protection of minors.
In 2011,entrusted by the Ministry of Civil Affairs,the Children’s Center was responsible for drafting the first Bill on the Welfare of Children.
The Children’s Center is currently participating in the expert research on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence Law (Proposal), the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court on civil cases involving minors.
In order to actively raise awareness of the concept of protection of migrant workers’ rights, so as to better protect the interests of migrant workers, the Migrant Worker’s Center established a special network for protection of migrant workers’ rights in China.
Shi Fumao interviewed by the People’s Network